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Sunday August 19 2007, 7:50 AM
NY Post reports, "'We should have all of our students start and have rigorous standard-based programs at age 3, age 4, age 5,' he [NYC School chancellor Klein] said. He added that it's especially important in high-poverty areas where private preschool is not necessarily an option. 'We're not there yet, but we made progress,' he said, saying the Department of Education is working on a proposal for preschool for all 4-year-olds. 'We certainly have the direction arrow pointed in the right direction.' Klein also sees a future with kids 'testing out' in 10th grade and either proceeding to two more years of high school and then college, or a vocational school, depending on their grades and ambitions."
Working To Learn, Learning to Work: Unlocking the Potential of New York's Adult College Students
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Tuesday August 14 2007, 7:36 AM
Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy (SCAA) and the Center for an Urban Future (CUF) study, "Specific recommendations include: * Provide financial aid to part-time students in their first year. In 2006, the New York State Legislature took the first step towards assisting working adults by establishing a 'part-time TAP' program. However, New York should abolish the pointless requirement that students study full-time in the first year to qualify for part-time TAP. * Abolish discriminatory TAP benefits and income thresholds for unmarried childless adults, so that they can receive the same benefits at the same income thresholds as all other students. * Abolish all previous financial aid schedules and get rid of the 'don’t come back' rule, which ties students who leave college and return later to the income and benefit schedule in effect when they first entered college. Since schedules are improved every few years, older schedules are considerably less generous than current ones. * Create a remedial education financing program outside of TAP, so that students can enhance their opportunity for academic success while preserving TAP eligibility for creditworthy classes."
Are City [NYC] Vocational Education High Schools Being Left Behind?
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Friday August 10 2007, 8:55 AM
NYC Independent Budget Office Fiscal Brief -- August, 2007.
City trade school courses don't make grade
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Friday August 10 2007, 8:43 AM
NY Daily News reports, "The city's vocational classes aren't up to snuff, a new report from the Independent Budget Office charges. Only 12% of career and technical programs are certified by the state, meaning the courses taken by about 110,000 high school students could be lacking. And only nine of the 22 vocational schools - 41% - meet federal No Child Left Behind standards, compared with 65% of city public schools overall."
Local classes picked for tech program
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Wednesday August 01 2007, 9:56 AM
Poughkeepsie Journal reports, "The program is part of a regional effort by the Tech Valley Chambers of Commerce Coalition, a group of 24 chambers of commerce in 19 counties from the Canadian border to the Orange-Rockland county line, to encourage math, science and technology education to eventually create a more tech-savvy work force."
Give development center a chance
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Wednesday August 01 2007, 9:31 AM
Star-Gazette opines, "The Academic and Workforce Development Center is a good concept for this time and place, and we will celebrate with others when it finally opens, about six years after discussions began. And we will view its success as an indication that, at some point, the original idea -- a branch campus in Elmira for Corning Community College -- could be worth revisiting."
Education in the Twin Tiers: Career center on track
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Tuesday July 31 2007, 8:41 AM
Star-Gazette reports, "'It really is designed to support anybody who wants to look at getting back to work or seeking education,' she [Brenda English] said. The center will be able to address adult literacy issues, provide classes for high school equivalency diplomas and upgrade the skills of people who don't have a high school diploma. The center will also provide noncredit training so people can get a job immediately, as well as the opportunity to begin studies toward two-year degrees that would be completed at CCC's Spencer Hill campus."
Time for a surge in war to save our kids
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Sunday July 29 2007, 9:18 AM
NY Daily News guest essayist Colin Powell, former U.S. secretary of state and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and founding chairman of America's Promise Alliance opines, "Research shows that when young people receive four of five basic resources, which we call the Five Promises - caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, effective education and opportunities to help others - they are twice as likely to receive A's in school, twice as likely to avoid violence and 40% more likely to volunteer. Together, we must ensure that 15 million more at-risk American young people experience these promises. Don't look at young people who are angry or adrift, standing on some city streetcorner, and think they're someone else's problem. They're not. By volunteering to help in this battle, you can help us win the war."
Buffalo schools get $6.8 million
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Tuesday July 24 2007, 10:52 AM
Buffalo News reports, "Buffalo Public School officials have announced the district has secured $6.8 million in grant funds from three sources in the state Education Department."
NYS Dept. of Labor to Inspect Employers for Compliance with Child Labor Laws
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Monday June 25 2007, 9:02 PM
With the end of the school year, the employment of minors rises dramatically, particularly in the restaurant, retail, construction, and recreational industries, among others. In order to ensure that this summer employment is in compliance with the law, inspectors will visit employers unannounced. Businesses and municipalities that violate the laws are subject to civil penalties, which can be as high as $1,000 per violation for the first offense. During 2006, the NYS Department of Labor cited 252 businesses for child labor violations and collected $120,800 in civil penalties. The NYS child labor laws apply to the employment of all minors under 18 years of age. These laws prohibit particularly dangerous types of employment, such as working with certain kinds of machinery. Child labor laws also set work time limitations for children to prevent them from working excessive hours during the day, or working too late at night. There are also requirements regarding school attendance rules, employment certificates and permits.
Laws Governing the Employment of Minors
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Monday June 25 2007, 8:57 PM
New York State Department of Labor
Spitzer calls for overhaul of higher education
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Tuesday May 29 2007, 5:23 PM
AP reports, "Spitzer sees higher education -- public and private -- as a key to creating and retaining jobs in what he calls an innovation economy. He notes announcements so far this year to retain and increase jobs in Binghamton, Rochester, Albany and elsewhere have been the result of high-technology firms working with universities."
Pennsylvania schools asked to increase training
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Sunday April 15 2007, 3:28 PM
The Sentinel reports, "The Pennsylvania Department of Education is asking schools to add something to their curriculum: Job skills training. 'If Pennsylvania’s students are to succeed in the workplace,' says the department in recently approved career education and work standards for elementary and secondary schools, 'there are certain skills that they need to obtain prior to graduation from high school.' The standards set objectives, beginning as early as third grade, for helping students identify their career aptitudes, getting the necessary training and obtaining and keeping jobs."
SUNY chief hears business views on university role
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Friday March 09 2007, 7:40 AM
Press-Republican reports, "In the North Country, particularly, goals include developing more small-business and entrepreneurial opportunities and increasing broadband access and online training, [SUNY Chancellor Ryan] he said. 'The importance of putting in broadband infrastructure is crucial.' 'The key thing we have been fighting for is the importance of high-speed broadband, which allows us to do long-distance learning,' said Allen Dunham, chair of the North Country Workforce Investment Board. That would decrease traveling for training opportunities, assist hospitals with imaging needs and provide incentive for students to stay in the area after graduation and land jobs locally, among other things, he said. Other topics that participants said were discussed Thursday included the role of SUNY in providing support for communities and economic developers, the role of colleges in workforce development, how the business community can take better advantage of innovation and invention being produced at SUNY schools and what support emerging technology companies need from SUNY and the state."
Study says New York kids' chance for success is better than average
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Monday March 05 2007, 8:10 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "New York state is above the national average in most categories, but is tied at 18th overall with Delaware, and is behind Virginia, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Vermont, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Colorado and South Dakota, respectively. " The study also discusses ensuring education is connected from one stage to the next and reduction of the need for remediation.
No Child Left Behind? Well, Maybe Just a Few
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Tuesday February 27 2007, 8:22 AM columnist Andrew Ferguson writes, "Already proposals are being made to rope 12th-graders into the No Child law's elaborate system of federally mandated tests, which means that high schools would finally be held accountable for graduating poorly educated seniors. The most recent of these proposals, by the Aspen Institute, received a favorable response from reformers, including within the administration. Indeed, the administration has tried before to extend the No Child law to upper grades, with no luck. Stopping it was the usual anti-reform stonewall of teachers' unions and congressional Democrats, along with an astonishingly powerful vocational-school lobby."
Buffalo Superintendent Williams announces 2009 opening for entrepreneurial high school
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Saturday February 24 2007, 9:51 AM
Buffalo News reports, "Buffalo will open an entrepreneurial high school in 2009 to train students to start their own businesses or be better prepared to work at existing companies, School Superintendent James A. Williams told business leaders Friday. Williams also set ambitious goals for boosting student performance on state assessment tests, and said a new report card is being developed that will end widespread grade inflation."
School denial angers activist
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Tuesday January 16 2007, 9:51 AM
Post-Tribune reports, "A Charter School Academy of Trade and Technology pitched by a local education [Indiana] activist has failed to gain approval to open despite parent and business backing."
Retention key to student, college success
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Saturday January 13 2007, 12:41 PM
Benton County Daily Record reports, "Northwest Arkansas Community College worked with several other colleges statewide to learn how to improve its retention rates during an all-day seminar held Thursday at the college’s Shewmaker Center for Workforce Technologies. The keynote speaker, Vincent Tinto, is a nationally known distinguished professor in the School of Education at Syracuse University in New York. He is an expert on student retention issues. Tinto told the gathered crowd of people from about 10 colleges in the state that colleges need to focus more on what students are learning than on what is being taught. He shared the various conditions that promote student success and what steps community colleges are already taking to promote success. 'Focus on the classroom,' he said. 'The classroom becomes the centerpiece for the learning environment. '”
Education Account Bill to Make American Workers More Competitive Introduced
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Tuesday January 09 2007, 6:19 AM
PRNewswire-USNewswire reports, "Lifelong Learning Accounts (LiLAs) are employer-matched, portable, individual savings accounts used to finance education and training - - similar to a 401(k), but used for skill building and career advancement."
Study puts New Jersey education system 4th in nation
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Wednesday January 03 2007, 2:18 PM
AP reports, "While New Jersey has extremes of wealth and poverty, it has the highest median household income. And its adults, on average, are well educated. More than half the state's children have at least one parent with a college degree and three-fourths of children have at least one parent working a full-time, year-round job. Those factors all give children a better chance of succeeding in college or the work force, the study said. Also, the state did well in the assessment because it has a number of policies to line up preschool and elementary school standards and help students pursue trade industry licenses while still in high school. New Jersey ranked only 45th, though, in a measure of statewide policies dealing with academic standards, testing policies and how schools are held accountable for their performances."
GED seed may grow
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Sunday December 31 2006, 8:40 AM
NY Daily News reports, "The GED program's first 12-week class will begin in February, around the same time as the start of Project HIRE (Help in Re-entering Employment), another program DEP is using to help Bronx locals qualify for jobs at the plant. Announced this month, Project HIRE also partners with Bronx Community College. Job applicants registered with DEP's community outreach office who need additional skills before being hired are offered a 20-week course to learn the skills needed for apprenticeships. After the training course, graduates will meet with a Project HIRE career counselor who works to match students with jobs based on their new skills."
Bad Guess on U.S. Future
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Tuesday December 26 2006, 1:52 PM
Washington Post Jay Mathews writes, "If the report's authors' fears prove true, and American living standards begin to decline because of competition abroad and poor schooling, the U.S. education system will change very quickly. But we education reporters learned long ago that most national commissions are wrong. It is better to wait and let actual events, rather than well-staffed guesses, determine our next move."
Problem Solving in the PISA and TIMSS 2003 Assessments
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Tuesday December 26 2006, 1:38 PM
NCES: When examining the outcomes of education at local, state, national, or international levels, one of the major concerns of educators is whether students are able to employ the knowledge and skills they have acquired in formal schooling and through daily living experiences to solve problems. Students’ capabilities to solve problems are necessary not only for the demands of everyday life—personal, social, and public decisionmaking—but also for their future careers and their ability to continue learning in formal education settings. The purpose of this report is to compare and contrast features of the problem-solving tasks found in the 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the 2003 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)." Dossey, J.A., McCrone, S.A., and O’Sullivan, C. (2006). Problem Solving in the PISA and TIMSS 2003 Assessments (NCES 2007-049). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved December 26, 2006 from
Program would encourage students to become cops
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Tuesday December 26 2006, 5:54 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "The City School District and Rochester Police Department are planning a program that could offer high school kids an accelerated career path while increasing the number of black and Hispanic police officers in Rochester. 'We're calling it the College to Careers Transitions Initiative,' Police Chief David T. Moore said. 'It gives officers an opportunity to teach different classes so we can prepare our young people to go into college and graduate MCC (Monroe Community College) ... hopefully with an associate's (degree).'"
Youth shelter planned
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Sunday December 24 2006, 12:34 PM
Baltimore Sun reports, "Currently, Restoration Gardens is targeted for those between the ages of 18 and 24 who have no place to live. Some could be 18-year-olds who have outgrown the foster care system and must leave their families or group homes, while others might have parents who are in prison or who have abandoned them. They might be moving from one family member to another or be couch-surfing, a term used to describe people who stay with one friend one night and move on the next. Leitch said the group hopes to take some 16- and 17-year-olds, but a number of policy issues have to be worked out. Under state law, educators, social workers and others who work with teenagers are required to report any minor without a home to the Department of Social Services."
Big ideas for schools
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Saturday December 23 2006, 9:53 AM
Dallas Morning News opines on "Tough Choices, Tough Times", " For instance, the suggestion to start children in school at age 3 could help big-city teachers, such as those in Dallas, get students learning at grade level by early elementary years. It's also worth discussing the proposal to create personal savings accounts modeled on the GI bill. The feds would kick in $500 when a child is born and lesser amounts until a child reaches 16. Individuals and employers alike could contribute so workers could use the accounts to get the continual training they will need to stay abreast of a fast-changing economy. The costs need fleshing out, but Congress should hear more about this proposal."
On the Job, Learning Disabilities Can Often Hide in Plain Sight
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Sunday December 17 2006, 7:48 AM
NY Times reports, "When Donna Flagg was growing up in suburban New Jersey, she struggled through reading and math in school and had trouble following directions. It was not until she took a college course from an instructor who was dyslexic — and who sensed that Ms. Flagg might also have a learning disability — that she discovered she had a form of dyslexia. The disability affects her brain’s ability to process what her eyes see.'
Four New States Chosen for State Scholars Initiative
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Saturday December 16 2006, 9:12 AM
Under the State Scholars Initiative, each state [Missouri, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Wyoming] will receive up to $300,000 during a two-year period to implement scholars programs in at least four school districts. Local business-education partnerships will work with students in those districts, encouraging them to take a rigorous course of study—one that will give them a boost no matter whether they go to college or straight to work.
Schools in hands of private business?
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Saturday December 16 2006, 8:59 AM
The Saratogian reports, "The 170-page commission report calls for paying teachers about $100,000 a year. Saratoga Springs City School District Superintendent John E. MacFadden, who had read the report, saw some validity in that. 'I think the operative thing there is 'year-round,' ' MacFadden said. 'If the theme here is that we are falling behind in a competitive race educationally, than we need to have a longer school year and I do think they're on to something. Achievements increase over a longer period of time. A two-month shut down (in school) is like a two-month shutdown mentally. It's not good preparation for the working world and colleges are guilty of this as well,' he said."
Ulster BOCES job program trains disabled
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Saturday December 16 2006, 8:55 AM
Poughkeepsie Journal reports, "Ulster BOCES is one of among 100 federally funded Projects With Industry programs nationwide, coordinator Anthony Mignone said. BOCES received a $734,386 grant last year from the U.S. Department of Education to finance the program for three years. The program provides an opportunity for individuals with severe disabilities, including mental, physical and emotional, to get trained and be placed in jobs with local businesses and industries, he said."
Lesson Plan for Education Reform
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Thursday December 14 2006, 12:49 PM
Business Week reports, "If implemented, the commission's recommendations—signed by 26 members from all corners of the corporate, nonprofit, education, and political worlds—would revolutionize the way children are educated in this country. Among the ideas: a set of Board Examinations allowing all 10th graders to place into college; improved compensation and incentives to attract better quality teachers; an overhaul of the American testing industry; contract-run schools instead of schools run by school boards; improved education for all three- and four-year-olds; standards for state-run funding instead of local funding; legislation for continued education for adults; a new GI Bill; and regionally focused job training."
Tough Choice, Tough Times
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Thursday December 14 2006, 12:40 PM
National Center on Education and the Economy Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce Executive Summary: READ HERE
Panel: Cut years in high school
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Thursday December 14 2006, 10:20 AM
Chicago Tribune reports, "The report from the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce touches on all aspects of education but some of its most unusual proposals would end America's nostalgic attachment to the four-year high school. Instead, the report calls for a rigorous 10th-grade test that would allow those who pass to leave high school after two years and go on to technical or vocational training or academic work in preparation for a four-year institution."
Massachusetts education group fields concerns
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Wednesday December 13 2006, 9:43 AM
The Republican reports, "Calls for a statewide prekindergarten program, to eliminate spending caps for charter schools, increase support of private-public education collaboratives and reinstate education budget cuts were among suggestions raised at a [Massachusetts] gubernatorial transition team meeting yesterday."
Indiana Chamber launches literacy program
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Tuesday December 12 2006, 1:26 PM reports, "A 2005 report found that 1 in 3 working Hoosiers have literacy skills below what is needed for successful employment in a knowledge-based economy."
Massachusetts schools target dropout rates
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Monday December 11 2006, 9:29 AM
Worcester Telegram & Gazette reports, "Mrs. Haskins said that at Southbridge High School, a 'crisis team' — including the district psychologist, social worker, school resource officer, guidance personnel and the school nurse — meets to discuss students who are believed to be at risk of dropping out. The reasons vary with each student, Mrs. Haskins said. An 18-year-old who is still a freshman may consider dropping out because of his age, or family and economic issues can come into play, she said. The intervention begins at home. 'Parents are called every single day a student is absent,' Mrs. Haskins said."
Help more immigrants learn English
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Monday December 11 2006, 7:33 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "More New Yorkers need to boost their English skills than ever before, but far too few of them are receiving the services to do so. In Monroe County, the state-run English for Speakers of Other Languages program hasn't come close to keeping pace with demand: Just 11.3 percent of the county's 18,239 adults with limited English skills were enrolled in state-funded ESOL programs last year. Statewide, there were only 86,433 seats for the 1.6 million adult New Yorkers with limited English proficiency, and long waiting lists for ESOL programs in dozens of communities. Investing in English-language instruction offers payoffs for workers and employers alike."
A high school student's best kept secret
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Sunday December 10 2006, 9:37 AM
Douglas Daily Dispatch contributor Mike Rohrbach, chairman of Cochise County Learning Advisory Council [CCLAC] writes, "Most parents, and therefore most students do not realize that while they are in High School, they can take these [Career Technical Education] CTE classes at a Cochise College campus. Yes, high school students are eligible to take college CTE classes while they are still in high school. Not only that. By taking these classes through what is known as the COMPACT program, they can earn high school credits while also building college or certificate credits. As if that were not exciting enough, the College subsidizes 50% of the tuition for these vocational courses."
Worker skills a worry
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Friday December 08 2006, 5:21 AM
The Post-Standard reports, "About half of local businesses say they'll have to look elsewhere for workers if Central New York doesn't increase its homegrown math and science talent, a survey by the Greater Syracuse Chamber of Commerce found."
College advising is key, officials say, but some students ignore it
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Wednesday December 06 2006, 6:49 AM
Times Herald-Record reports, "Experts agree on the value of academic advising. It lays out a road map and clear milestones for students to reach their goals, according to the study's authors at the University of Texas at Austin. 'Community college students report a particularly strong need for these milestones because their educational goals compete with work, caring for dependents and other responsibilities,' the researchers said. It is also important because only about 40 percent of entering students either graduate within three years or transfer from the local community colleges."
Teaching the future of nanotechnology
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Wednesday December 06 2006, 5:25 AM
Times Union reports, ""That new nanotechnology work force is already being trained, even though AMD's chip fab isn't expected to be completed by 2012 at the earliest. Hudson Valley Community College is preparing to graduate its first class of semiconductor manufacturing workers next spring. Five students are in the final year of a two-year semiconductor manufacturing technology program, a rigorous course of study with electronics, chemistry, physics and advanced mathematics required, in addition to semiconductor manufacturing classes."
Group to push math, science education as key to economy
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Tuesday December 05 2006, 10:08 AM
The Arizona Republic reports, "[Arizona] Gov. Janet Napolitano will today announce the formation of a national task force of education, business and government leaders aimed at readying America for the economy of the future. The 17-member task force, which includes Napolitano and Arizona State University President Michael Crow, will be unveiled as part of a two-day meeting of the National Governors Association at Pointe South Mountain Resort in Phoenix."
UB-Educational Opportunity Center using credential exam
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Monday November 27 2006, 10:16 AM
Buffalo News reports, "The exam is a national credential that certifies that job-seekers have the knowledge, skills and abilities to succeed in an entry-level job."
Binghamton program to blend vocational, academic education: Only 2 other high schools in the world use baccalaureate group's model
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Sunday November 26 2006, 8:29 AM
Press & Sun-Bulletin reports, "Binghamton High School plans to start a career-related certificate program that would blend vocational education with the school's academically oriented International Baccalaureate program. In doing so, Binghamton would become the third high school in the world to pilot the model under the oversight of the International Baccalaureate Organization, which offers academic courses tied to international standards. The other two pilot schools are in Oulu, Finland, and Quebec, Canada. Unlike the traditional IB program, the certificate program would be geared toward students not planning to attend a four-year college, Superin- tendent Peggy J. Wozniak said. It would be designed to prepare students for careers in a global society, she said."
Distance learning programs can close ethnic gap
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Saturday November 25 2006, 8:07 AM
Times Union contributor WILLIAM M. STEWART, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management, Excelsior College, Albany writes, "Going forward, community organizations, government agencies, churches and other groups working with minorities can significantly impact these numbers by encouraging black and Hispanic adults to consider accredited distance learning programs as a means to completing their college education."
The vital role of community colleges
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Thursday November 23 2006, 4:51 AM
Boston Globe contributor William D. Green, chairman and CEO of Accenture writes, "In addition to teaching people new skills, junior and community colleges often help students learn how to learn -- to gain the kind of solid footing it takes to continue their education. Research shows that students who transfer from a two-year institution to a four-year college or university are often more successful than those who start at a four-year institution. As a society we need to applaud the accomplishments of two-year college graduates and encourage baccalaureate institutions to accept transfer students who have proved they can be successful students. In the long run, junior and community colleges not only help students gain confidence in their ability to learn, but they also provide them a foundation for achieving better jobs. The potential ripple effect on the economy is obvious."
Certifying readiness for entry-level jobs
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Sunday November 19 2006, 6:55 PM
Buffalo News reports, "Some 70 companies across the state were consulted in the past four years in developing the test of reading, math, verbal comprehension and judgment. 'The impetus for this whole project came from business. This isn't one of those government things that government cooked up,' said Doug Reamer, principal statistician at the state Department of Labor. The price of a single premature departure, which happens often in entry-level trades, ranges from $2,000 to $5,000 and more in training and recruiting costs, depending on a company's size. Entry-level is defined as jobs that don't require a college degree or involve managing. The category accounts for 51 percent of annual new openings in New York: from hospitality to retail, health care, manufacturing, temp agencies and government."
Puerto Rico official proposes using NYC youth to harvest coffee
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Sunday November 19 2006, 6:38 PM
AP JOSE FERNANDEZ COLON reports, "Facing a shortage of farmhands, Puerto Rico turned to its prison population last year to help harvest its prized coffee crop. Fearing a similar crisis next year, the Housing Department Secretary has another plan: bring in youth living in public housing in New York City."
SUNY chief cites plans to improve
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Saturday November 18 2006, 3:37 PM
Poughkeepsie Journal reports, "Ryan plans to hire more full-time faculty, instead of relying so heavily on part-time and adjunct instructors. In the 2005-06 school year, 62.2 percent of SUNY faculty were full time. Keeping schools affordable and accessible is key, he said. Ryan wants to establish a 'rational tuition' policy, something where tuition prices could be increased gradually, but rates locked in over students' four years of college."
SUNY leader urges 'K-16' education path
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Saturday November 18 2006, 3:30 PM
Kingston Freeman reports on Chancellor Ryan, K-16 education and workforce preparation, "The Center for Excellence program supports major upgrades of research facilities and other high technology and biotechnology capital projects, allowing colleges, universities and research institutions to secure research funding that could lead to new job creation. Four of the six current Centers for Excellence are located on the SUNY campuses in Buffalo, Albany Binghamton, and Stony Brook."
Students prepare for working world
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Friday November 17 2006, 5:49 AM
Times Union reports, "The Career Center at Steinmetz aims to prepare its students for entry into the workplace by providing them with life skills and career-building opportunities. About 200 students in ninth through 12th grades attend the center on Oakwood Avenue. The students pursue a major in one of four career and technical education programs: office management, culinary arts, media arts or property management and maintenance."
As Math Scores Lag, a New Push for the Basics
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Tuesday November 14 2006, 3:32 AM
NY Times TAMAR LEWIN reports, "For the second time in a generation, education officials are rethinking the teaching of math in American schools. The changes are being driven by students’ lagging performance on international tests and mathematicians’ warnings that more than a decade of so-called reform math — critics call it fuzzy math — has crippled students with its de-emphasizing of basic drills and memorization in favor of allowing children to find their own ways to solve problems. At the same time, parental unease has prompted ever more families to pay for tutoring, even for young children."
University of New Hampshire study finds more soldiers come from rural areas
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Sunday November 12 2006, 4:17 PM
AP reports, "'Rural young people are overrepresented in the military because it offers a good opportunity to get skills,' director Mil Duncan said. 'It's going to naturally be appealing to people for whom the opportunities at home aren't as good.'"
Massachusetts preschool initiative smart business move
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Saturday November 11 2006, 8:09 AM
The Republican opined, "Nobel laureate James J. Heckman argues that early intervention for disadvantaged children promotes staying in school, raises the quality of the workforce, enhances the productivity of schools and has the effect of reducing crime, teen pregnancy and dependence on welfare. And a Chicago study concluded that every dollar spent on early childhood education yields a return of $7 in higher taxes on earnings and lower expenditures on welfare, prisons, crime and special education."
Elmira College offers new master's program
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Saturday November 11 2006, 7:56 AM
Star-Gazette reports, "Elmira College will offer a new master's degree program in January that school officials hope will prepare the local work force for the future. Four areas of concentration -- in general management, information technology management, health services management and emergency-disaster preparedness management -- will be offered during the winter term that starts Jan. 8."
Hudson Valley Community College will host conference on renewable energy work force education in Troy, N.Y., Nov. 8-9
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Friday November 03 2006, 8:44 PM
The Business Review (Albany) reports, "The event is designed to give faculty at technical high schools, community colleges and training programs a chance to learn the best practices and effective approaches to teaching people working in the renewable energy industry."
Secretary Spellings Delivered Remarks at National Postsecondary Education Cooperative Symposium on Student Success in Washington, D.C.
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Friday November 03 2006, 12:36 PM
PRESS RELEASE: You can find plenty of rankings and college guides, but you're out of luck if you want to find an answer to the question that matters most: How much are students learning? A recent report showed that instead of gauging student success, the most popular college rankings are "almost entirely a function of three factors: fame, wealth, and exclusivity." That's certainly of little or no help to the 2 million lower income students who will not be able to attend college this year because they can't afford it... or to millions more who are discouraged by skyrocketing sticker prices that often don't reflect the actual cost of attendance. The lack of data also hurts institutions.
Hudson Valley Community College dental hygiene program gets funds
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Thursday November 02 2006, 5:06 AM
Times Union reports, "The only program of its kind within a 100-mile radius and one of only nine programs in the state, Hudson Valley's dental hygiene program is the college's most expensive offering: it costs $44,100 to educate one dental hygiene student during the course of the two-year program, while the college receives $15,900 in tuition and government revenue."
Frederickson skill center suddenly in trouble
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Wednesday November 01 2006, 10:57 AM
The News Tribune reports, "The skill center has been a long-time dream of the Bethel School District and its neighbors. If built, the facility would join 10 other state-recognized skill centers in Washington state. Eighty-five of the state’s 296 school districts are members of one the centers. The nearest centers to Tacoma are in SeaTac and Tumwater."
Port Chester's Edison School plans workshops for educators
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Wednesday November 01 2006, 7:14 AM
Journal News reports, "Principal Eileen Santiago began the first of many community programs with an after-school program 10 years ago, run by the organization SER. The school has since added other services, including adult job training, parenting programs, health services and English classes. As time went on, the improvised effort became an example of what came to be known around the country as "community schools" and received federal funding."
Where Are They Now? A Description of 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients 10 Years Later
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Tuesday October 31 2006, 1:18 PM
This NCES overview addresses the following questions: • How much education beyond a bachelor’s degree had 1992–93 graduates completed by 2003? • What were graduates’ patterns of labor force participation in 2003? • How satisfied were they with their college education, and how did they evaluate it 10 years later? • What percentage of cohort members in 2003 were married or had children? • What was their level of civic participation 10 years after college? Bradburn, E.M., Nevill, S., and Cataldi, E.F. (2006). Where Are They Now? A Description of 1992–93 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients 10 Years Later (NCES 2007–159). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
Students In Vocational Education Classes With Enhanced Math Perform Better On Tests
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Monday October 30 2006, 8:31 AM
Science Daily reports, "In the researchers' model for improving math skills, they simply emphasized the math already within the curriculum. Teachers worked to make math more explicit in a meaningful context. That means that the math usually found in textbooks is applied in real-life situations in their CTE classes. For example, in a building trades class, they will use the Pythagorean theorem as they construct a building. A key to the enhanced math success involved teacher professional development workshops and the partnering of CTE teachers and math teachers to create their own enhanced lessons."
Community Colleges Want You
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Tuesday October 24 2006, 3:30 AM
NY Times reports, "'I was looking forward to where I would be at 55,' he [student John J. Kennedy, a resident of Clinton, N.J., who will be 50] said, 'and I saw myself working in a V.A. hospital, and not retired.' For community colleges, accommodating students like Mr. Kennedy has become a high priority. In fact, during the summer the American Association of Community Colleges, an advocacy group in Washington, joined with AARP to review ways to meet the upcoming need. This need became clear to both groups after a recent AARP mail survey of 30,000 respondents ages 42 and older found that 26 percent who had begun a new career in the last year said they had taken courses toward a college degree or certification in the same period."
New Jersey high schools warned to be more demanding
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Monday October 23 2006, 9:21 AM reports, "In New Jersey, a state Chamber of Commerce poll found 99 percent of businesses reported high school graduates were not prepared for company jobs. A national survey found 45 percent of businesses reported high school graduates were not trained to advance beyond entry-level jobs. Simpler high school classes can lead to trouble in college as well. Forty percent of students at four-year New Jersey colleges end up taking remedial courses, according to the committee. At community colleges, it's 78 percent."
English with barriers
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Monday October 23 2006, 8:39 AM
El Diaro la Prensa reports, "This start-and-stop English, on top of a shortage of classes, stifles the growth of workers. It hinders the potential to earn more money and advance. And it can make it difficult for parents to support the educational needs of their children. Limited English proficiency also curbs participation in the electoral process, and in emergency situations, can make the difference between life or death."
Tolerance at schools may help stem the 'brain drain'
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Monday October 23 2006, 5:59 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "Since business officials are concerned about the brain drain, could they get schools to focus more on how gay students are treated? Ognibene [gay teacher] had the following tips for business officials: If your business has written gay-friendly policies, perhaps including domestic partner benefits, share such policies with school boards. A school district's gay-friendly policy might make teachers feel safer about being 'out.' This allows gay students to have positive gay role models in their formative years. Ask schools if they have gay-straight alliances or diversity clubs. Ognibene estimated that slightly more than 20 schools here have such alliances, a big increase from the couple that existed when he started one at Fairport nine years ago."
Massachusetts education resource center receives $3.5 million from US
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Sunday October 22 2006, 2:28 PM
Boston Globe reports, "The center's resources are not limited to four-year colleges; it also provides information about two-year technical schools, certificate programs, and other career development opportunities, according to Eisenstadt. Anyone can use the center free of charge."
New York City Office Will Focus On Continuing Education
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Friday October 20 2006, 9:37 PM
NY1 reports, "Losing a career in mid-life can be devastating and this program acts as a bridge back to decent wage jobs for experienced workers with families."
The American Competitiveness Initiative: The Education Revolution Begins
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Friday October 20 2006, 4:05 PM
Baltimore Times reports, "With the announcement of American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI), low-income and minority students have an excellent opportunity to prepare themselves for well-paid careers in science and technology. However, this federal assistance program will best benefit students of color, only if their parents are aware of the initiative's goals, areas of focus and the criteria to qualify for financial aid to support secondary education."
To curb dropout rate, develop new paths for learning and careers
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Friday October 20 2006, 6:46 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle opined, "At least 27 of the nation's 100 top liberal arts schools that scrapped their SAT or ACT requirements have decided that students' high school performances should weigh as heavily as test scores. With this growing realization, educators also need to provide more alternatives to students who may be interested in vocational and technical education."
Bleak College Graduation Rate Is Found
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Thursday October 19 2006, 1:03 AM
The Washington Post reports, "The report, commissioned by D.C. city and school officials, asserts that nine out of 10 of the freshmen will be confined to low-paying jobs because they never began college or gave up before obtaining a degree. It blames the problem largely on the school system for failing to prepare students but also on colleges for being unable to accommodate students' deficiencies."
Leaving Prison Doors Behind, Some Find New Doors Open
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Wednesday October 18 2006, 3:33 AM
NY Times reports, "Post-prison programs like the College Initiative — and like College and Community Fellowship, a similar effort that is part of CUNY’s Graduate Center — were developed in response to a drastic reduction a decade ago in college programs in the nation’s federal and state prisons, specialists in prisoner rehabilitation say. At that time, with crime rates having climbed, many elected officials worked to make sentences and prison conditions tougher."
Ithaca Central School District equity: Identify strengths, weaknesses
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Monday October 16 2006, 7:41 AM
Ithaca Journal contributor Melina Carnicelli, assistant superintendent for human resources, Ithaca City School District writes, "I envision ICSD's human resources department as the organizational hub that continuously emphasizes equity through effective workplace policies/practices and professional development at all levels. The HR department sets the tone for the organization and is the point of contact and partnership with community organizations and individuals committed to recruiting, hiring and sustaining a highly qualified and diverse workforce. This vision is not an initiative, program or special project; it is not in addition to the work we do ... it IS the work!"
Economic Outcomes of High School Completers and Noncompleters 8 Years Later
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Thursday October 12 2006, 6:49 PM
NCES: The findings suggest that individuals who completed high school within 6 years generally had more favorable economic outcomes than their counterparts who completed high school later or not at all. However, differences in economic outcomes were most prominent between males and females even after controlling for the timing and type of high school credential earned.
Education must evolve to keep America competitive
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Wednesday October 11 2006, 7:00 AM
The Press Republican reports, "Curriculums must emphasize innovation, problem solving and critical analysis, Rogers [executive director of the New York State Council of School Superintendents] said. Changing the structure entails increasing the school system's efficiency and productivity, developing new curriculums, having more centralized control in education and creating a social agenda to combat poverty."
Businesses join to provide scholarships for Dutchess Community College (DCC) students
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Wednesday October 11 2006, 6:48 AM
The Poughkeepsie Journal reports, "He [King, executive vice president of the Council of Industry of Southeastern New York], spoke about the Hudson Valley Community College Consortium, founded in 2003, which links Dutchess, Ulster, Orange and Sullivan community colleges. The program brings workers from existing companies into college classes to help further their careers. Courses include leadership, problem-solving and basics of financial management, King said."
SUNY at Buffalo (UB) plans major expansion project
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Monday October 09 2006, 8:31 AM
The Legislative Gazette writes, "Page [spokesman for SUNY at Buffalo] said UB is ranked 11th out of 3,000 U.S. universities in the number of foreign students attending. Half of the foreign students at UB are from Asian countries; 500 of those are Chinese students. Page said Chinese students are important to UB because it was the first U.S. university to establish an exchange relationship with China after the normalization of relations between the two countries. They have had a strong working relationship for 25 years."
Nashville Tennessee Chamber chair: Key to work force is education
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Sunday October 08 2006, 9:56 PM
The Tennessean reports, "This year, we're going to hire a high-profile education leader who will coordinate efforts in Nashville (among) the different nonprofits that help the school system. We want education to be on the minds of everyday citizens — how important education is. So we want to bring in a person with a strong personality that has the ability to sell that."
New agenda for Texas education
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Sunday October 08 2006, 8:19 AM contributor Jim Windham, Texas Institute for Education Reform writes, "During the 1990s, Texas became a national leader in education reform when a bipartisan group of Texans joined together to establish academic standards and accountability as the framework for transforming public schools. The reforms began in 1993 when the state adopted a new accountability system that linked school accreditation with success in meeting academic standards."
New Jersey schools, business joining forces
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Saturday October 07 2006, 6:22 PM
HERALD NEWS reports, "The state's economic growth chief says forming education-business partnerships will provide the private sector with the skilled labor force it needs to help New Jersey be more competitive in a global market."
Louisiana students to rebuild as they learn trades
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Tuesday October 03 2006, 9:05 AM
The Times-Picayune reports, "Participants can obtain their GED while receiving construction training. Those completing the six-month program will receive carpentry certification from the National Center for Construction Education and Research as well as job placement assistance, Magee [executive director] said." During training, they can earn a stipend of up to $5,000 and open a YouthBuild USA Individual Development Account, said Magee."
The US doesn't need more college grads
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Monday September 25 2006, 6:41 AM
Christian Science Monitor contributor George C. Leef, executive director of the John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy in Raleigh, N.C. writes, "Above all, the US should stop worrying about the percentage of its younger citizens who have college degrees vs. the percentage in other countries. The truth is, most of what people need to know in order to be successful in life is not learned in formal educational settings. The job skills that help workers advance in their careers are usually learned on the job."
Education goal is unrealistic
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Monday September 25 2006, 6:02 AM
Kim Littel, director of pupil services for Viroqua Area School, Wisconsin, writes, "Two questions need to be considered when dealing with NCLB re-authorization: Will improving test scores reduce our prison population? Will improving test scores make people more successful in life?"
SUNY Cobbleskill lab tech degree in trouble
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Sunday September 24 2006, 8:01 AM
Times Union reports, "While the nursing shortage has been well-documented, the chronic lack of behind-the-scenes laboratory help has received less attention. Histotechnologists process blood and tissue samples on which doctors base their diagnoses."
Urban growth changes agricultural education
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Monday September 18 2006, 11:57 AM
Idaho Press-Tribune reports, "Because of the shift toward more urban topics, many agriculture teachers who grew up on farms and wanted to focus on production agriculture education found themselves having to take on unfamiliar subjects they had never considered learning or teaching before."
Air Force JROTC program building character at South Carolina North High School
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Monday September 18 2006, 9:09 AM
The Times and Democrat reports, "Teaching life skills and preparing young men and women to be successful are two of the objectives of the new Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training program introduced at North High [South Carolina] this school year."
Mississippi Education: Dropouts Bounds' (State Superintendent of Education) next target
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Sunday September 17 2006, 12:02 PM
The Clarion Ledger opined, "Bounds is embarking on a fund-raising drive to implement ways to keep kids in school. It's a daunting task, Bounds says, because a key to keeping kids in school is having them ready to enter school. By third grade, he says, teachers can predict which kids will ultimately drop out. 'Some states base the number of prison beds on that figure,' he said. The children started school behind and can never catch up - exacerbated here because Mississippi is one of the few states without a prekindergarten program."
Laura Bush to Hold Global Literacy Conference
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Sunday September 17 2006, 11:26 AM
VOICE OF AMERICA reports, "The educators say the conference will focus on three initiatives for combating global illiteracy, including teaching mothers to read and to pass that skill on to their children. The other two initiatives are aimed at improving reading skills, so adults can make informed decisions about health issues, and ways to use literacy to build basic business skills."
Trailblazer Tour brings education goals to Mississippi
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Thursday September 14 2006, 9:08 AM
The Sun Herald reports, "Middle- and high-school curriculums must change so students will be better prepared whether they choose to go directly to work or attend community college or a university first, officials said."
A plan to inspire achievement
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Wednesday September 13 2006, 3:35 PM
Daily Herald reports on Utah Scholars program, "The goal is to encourage students to take more rigorous academic courses in high school. Students who succeed in the program will be designated Utah Scholars at graduation -- a title that will be noted on transcripts and which will help them qualify for higher levels of college financial aid."
Texas Extension Program Helps Prepare Special-Needs Students for Life After High School
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Wednesday September 13 2006, 1:21 PM
Texas A&M University AgNews reports, "The program, funded through the Texas Education Agency, is designed to assist career and technology teachers – formerly known as vocational teachers – who are working with students with special needs, primarily in high school, he [Dr. Rick Peterson, Extension parenting specialist and project director] said."
Los Angeles Unified Plan Aims for Fewer Dropouts
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Wednesday September 13 2006, 9:55 AM
LA Times reports, "The idea, district officials said, is to ensure that students are informed about the options available to them, and to eventually place those options in a series of comprehensive 'education and career centers' that would allow one-stop shopping for wayward students, with a strong focus on vocational education."
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) training developers of video games
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Monday September 11 2006, 6:11 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "With the video game industry anticipating notable employment growth over the next couple of years, Rochester Institute of Technology this fall has launched a new master's degree in game design and development. It also is pursuing plans to create a bachelor's degree program, said Andrew Phelps, an associate professor and director of the game design and development program."
The Future of SUNY
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Friday September 08 2006, 9:28 AM
Chancellor John Ryan writes, "After the fall elections, I will urge our state leaders to establish a Blue Ribbon commission that would be made up of a cross-section of stakeholders: business leaders, experienced educators and administrative leaders from New York and comparable states, as well as both a student representative and an international higher education official. The commission would take a comprehensive look at what works best in higher education, not just in New York State, but throughout the country and internationally. After it conducts broad research on SUNY and best practices throughout higher education, the commission would make a series of recommendations regarding SUNY to the governor, the legislature, and SUNY Trustees. These recommendations could then serve as a blueprint for the future of the State University."
Syracuse board hears unions' pitch
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Friday September 08 2006, 6:08 AM
Post-Standard reports, "Towsley [Central and Northern New York Building Trades Council] said the arrangement can save money, get Syracuse students trained through union apprenticeship programs, increase women and minority participation and increase safety."
2 majors in crime new to college: Roberts Wesleyan College introduces degrees in white-collar issues, forensic science
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Monday September 04 2006, 11:28 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports on Roberts program and courses at State University College at Buffalo, Genesee Community College and Hilbert College, "The economic-crime investigation program has courses in criminal justice, accounting and computer science, and students will specialize either in accounting or computers. And for the major, the college is creating courses on white-collar crime, computer forensics and computer network security."
New Hampshire begins recruiting future special ed teachers
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Monday September 04 2006, 11:02 AM
AP reports, "The program is aimed at middle, high school and college students and others who may be interested in a career change. The state is looking for specialists to work with students with disabilities."
The U.S. Edge In Education
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Monday September 04 2006, 9:18 AM
Washington Post Op-Ed contributor Richard H. Brodhead, Duke University president writes, "At an even more basic level, we must build on a system whose founding values are very different from respect for authority. When we touch off real debate on serious, open questions and encourage students to have worthwhile thoughts of their own, we are developing an asset of the highest strategic as well as personal value: the habits of active, independent thought."
Buffalo Superintendent Williams pushes for longer school year: Plan, which includes longer school day, is supported by Board of Regents chancellor
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Wednesday August 30 2006, 12:02 PM
Buffalo News reports, "Bennett (chancellor) said he expects similar efforts across the state. Williams said the longer year and extended day are needed to: Give students more time to tackle increasingly demanding course work and state graduation requirements; Allow more classroom periods for vocational education, art and music, which are getting crowded out by the expansion of instruction in English, math and other 'core subjects'; Provide more time for teacher training and preparation. This school year, teachers report to school on Tuesday, then begin instruction on Wednesday; Allow time during the school day for Advanced Placement and honors courses that are being phased back into Buffalo high schools."
Rochester forum looks at troubled students: Duffy, others discuss how to keep kids in school
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Wednesday August 30 2006, 7:31 AM
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "The forum drew wide-ranging support from educators, community activists, parents and students. Linking the dropout rate to economic development in Rochester, Duffy [Rochester mayor] said economic growth in the city is made difficult without an educated work force in place."
Mississippi education drives economy
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Monday August 28 2006, 8:36 PM
Delta Democrat Times reports, "Jobs and education are inextricably intertwined. There is no hope for a good economy without strong schools. There will be nowhere for students in Mississippi to work if the state's educational system fails to prepare them to compete in the global economy. All of that takes money. It also takes a commitment from the business community to support public education and a willingness from parents to think differently about what their children will be learning in school."
SUNY Orange proposal to teach the business side of art
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Monday August 28 2006, 8:30 AM
Times-Herald reports, "The program could begin as early as the spring semester, with plans to expand in the following semesters, said proposal author Richard Heppner, associate vice president for liberal arts. But Heppner stressed that nothing is definite and plans to retool it after speaking with Sugar Loaf artists as well as students."
2007 VESID State Plan Virtual Public Meeting
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Friday August 25 2006, 6:31 PM
As part of the Vocational Rehabilitation State Plan development, VESID is seeking public comment on achieving high quality employment outcomes. Discussion will focus on transition, postsecondary education, and individual plan for employment (IEP) development.
Job Corps Launches Innovative STARS Initiative; Targets Raising Student Retention and Academic Achievement
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Thursday August 24 2006, 11:11 AM
US Newswire reports, "Motivational speakers will offer students the opportunity to hear and interact with real-life achievers who will provide motivating and inspiring messages about what it takes to succeed and the challenges they will face. Tutors will provide students with academic assistance based on their individual needs. Mentors will provide guidance in career technical areas and offer strategies to enhance personal development and life skills."
Independent Colleges and State University System Forge First-Ever Partnership to Create Higher Education Internet Portal Promoting Economic Development in NY
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Sunday August 20 2006, 3:59 PM
The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) and the State University of New York (SUNY) announced, "their first-ever partnership to develop an online 'portal,' which will function as an easy-to-use Internet gateway to approximately 175 higher education institutions. The portal will have significant benefits for New York's businesses and the state economy."
History makes it hard to see education's problems
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Sunday August 20 2006, 8:29 AM
Herald Net James McCusker, economist, educator and consultant, and columnist opined on the role of federal government in higher education, "The most encouraging thing about the commission's work is that at last somebody in the federal government is willing to take on this issue. The decay and enervation in our higher education system were the inevitable Newtonian resultant of the three forces that have been bearing down on it: the deterioration of the K-12 educational system that feeds it; the dysfunctional financial structure that supports it; and the asynchronous organizational structure that runs it."
California higher education migrant program gets first grad
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Saturday August 19 2006, 7:50 PM
The Ukiah Daily Journal reports, "The College Assistant Migrant Program, or CAMP, is a college grant program funded by tax dollars that helps enable students who come from a migrant or seasonal farm-working background, to successfully complete their first year of college and then continue to enroll and complete each academic year after that. This program helps to provide students with financial assistance and support services, with the goal in mind of preparing them to continue their education at a four-year college or university."
Rising college fees will cost us in time
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Friday August 18 2006, 12:07 PM
USA Today commentary by Julianne Malveaux, economist and author, "Education is supposed to be an equalizer. But with costs rising, students are trading down dreams of an Ivy League education for one at a state university, and from a state university to one at a community college. While all education will bear fruit, we are creating a bifurcated system in which the best education will go to those who can pay for it. Students of color and those of modest means will most likely be the ones left behind."
Idaho must consider key issues for community college system
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Friday August 18 2006, 10:15 AM
Idaho Stateman Op-Ed contributors Gary Michael and Kevin Learned, co-chairs of the Higher Education Committee of the Idaho Business Coalition for Educational Excellence, an organization of nearly 70 top business leaders from across Idaho opined, "The Idaho Legislature has appointed an Interim Committee on Community Colleges "to analyze postsecondary education in Idaho and to make recommendations to the next Legislature." The Idaho Business Coalition for Education Excellence (IBCEE), an organization of current and retired CEO's from throughout Idaho, applauds this effort and looks forward to the committee's recommendations. In our view, a community college network will greatly benefit many post high school students and, ultimately, Idaho employers who depend on a sustained, diverse and well-trained work force."
New Jersey looking to improve education
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Friday August 18 2006, 9:20 AM
Courier Post reports, "Truncated summers are an idea that is accepted in a number of overseas capitols but one that in New Jersey would be sure to enrage the teachers' union, the New Jersey Education Association. Teachers here, like students, get summers off."
Census, Rochester has more youth: Experts say city should focus on creating jobs to keep them here
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Wednesday August 16 2006, 10:08 AM
Democrat and Chronicle reports, "Mildred Vazquez, executive director for Puerto Rican Youth Development, said the numbers alone don't reveal a lot. 'My first question is, are these college graduates. Do they have diplomas?' she said. 'You have a city with a significant number of people with no education and no way of getting an education, who don't have the means to even get a job that pays minimum wage.'"
Key to Arizona downtown campus will be keeping students happy
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Monday August 14 2006, 11:32 AM
The Arizona Republic reports, "State officials project that more students will want to attend college than there are available slots, and ASU is counting on the downtown campus to help it expand. In addition, the new urban university, which officials hope will eventually serve about 15,000 students, is expected to create spin-off development, drawing scores of new jobs and businesses to the area." Retention of students and campus safety are discussed.
For Lack of Teachers, Students Are Turned Away From Nursing
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Sunday August 13 2006, 11:44 AM
NY Times reports on the nursing profession, "The National League for Nursing reported a 16 percent increase in applicants to bachelor’s degree nursing programs and a 28 percent increase in applicants to associate degree programs last year, compared with the year before. Yet nursing schools turned away almost 150,000 qualified applicants in 2005 — up 18 percent over the previous year. The reason? They don’t have enough teachers."
Digital lessons: Collaborations helped bring life to new student program
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Friday August 11 2006, 8:37 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle editorial opined, "Through the Rochester After School Academy, which is coordinating the 'Rochester Digital Ripple' program, the students are getting a stipend while learning about cutting-edge technology. There's another lesson here, though, for the community at large. All kinds of players came together to make this happen in the year that it took to work out details."
Binghamtom Community College puts focus on professionals: Revamped program to use downtown site
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Tuesday August 08 2006, 9:19 AM
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin reports, "With the new focus will come an emphasis on bringing professionals from outside the area to downtown for conferences and seminars hosted at the center, David [BCC spokesman] said. That kind of use, he said, will boost the region's economic base as professionals spend money here eating, shopping and lodging."
The Non-Working Man’s Burden
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Tuesday August 08 2006, 12:27 AM
The NY Times opined on education and employment, "Higher levels of learning and skill don’t magically create jobs. Public policy for a globalized age must grapple with twin challenges: how to create full employment in the face of international competition, and how to create a safety net for jobless Americans in a globalized economy. "
Crain’s 2005 Higher Education Directory
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Monday August 07 2006, 8:42 PM
Crain’s 2005 Higher Education Directory includes metro New York area four-year accredited colleges and universities offering graduate and continuing education courses in New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Dutchess Counties in New York State, Fairfield and New Haven Counties in Connecticut and counties in New Jersey.
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Monday August 07 2006, 11:34 AM
The Public Policy Institute of NYS "Just the Facts" series shows, "New York's per-pupil spending is the second highest in the nation while the state's graduation rate is near the bottom." Additional data on pupil/teacher ratios, class sizes, teacher salary, student performance on math and reading exams and SATs, and other higher education statistics are included.
Black colleges recruit Hispanics
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Monday August 07 2006, 8:18 AM
AP reports, "Still, educators say the nation's two largest minority groups are a natural fit on a college campus.'They are both underserved communities when it comes to higher education,' said Michael Lomax, president and CEO of the United Negro College Fund. 'We have got to educate them so that we can have a competitive workforce in the 21st century.'"
Students in Victor to get China 'key' pals
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Wednesday August 02 2006, 7:58 AM
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle writes on schools superintendent's trip to China, "Although McElheran did not see the creative spirit found in American industry, he did see a China that realizes the importance of math and science to competing in the global economy. China, he noted, produced about 600,000 engineers in 2005 compared with about 70,000 in the United States."
Tennessee Gov. Bredesen says he would consider 5-year high schools
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Monday July 31 2006, 11:09 AM
AP reports, "Gov. Phil Bredesen says creating five-year high school programs that bundle together a diploma with a community college degree could help stem the state's dropout rate."
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Monday July 31 2006, 7:35 AM
NY Post contributor Richard D. Parsons, chairman & CEO of Time Warner Inc. and co-chair of Mayor Bloomberg's Commission on Economic Opportunity writes, "We know that poverty rates decrease when education rates increase. That is why the mayor and city schools Chancellor Joel Klein have worked so hard to bring accountability to our public schools and improve high-school graduation rates. While much progress has been made, much more needs to be, and can be, done at all levels. We need to give particular focus to preschoolers, and we need to make it easier for more of our young people to go to college."
U at Buffalo to add online engineering degree
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Monday July 31 2006, 7:19 AM
Business First of Buffalo reports, "The program is designed for working professionals and others who have completed the first two years of their education in technical disciplines."
Utah public schools language courses to expand to include Chinese and Arabic
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Sunday July 30 2006, 7:59 PM
AP reports, "Gregg Roberts, state Office of Education world-language specialist, said the United States is in desperate need of people who speak critical languages, including Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi and Turkish. He said these languages are becoming increasingly important for national defense and global trade occupations."
Diplomas don't mean dollars, Workers with bachelor's degrees suffer first prolonged slump in wages in 30 years
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Tuesday July 25 2006, 8:22 AM
Times Union reports LA Times story, "Offshoring, which has shifted manufacturing and call-center jobs to Mexico and India, is increasingly affecting the white-collar sectors of engineering and software design. Companies have continued their long effort to replace salaried positions with low-paid, nonsalaried jobs, including part-time and freelance positions without benefits."
Eight Rockland schools use the sun to save money, teach students
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Monday July 24 2006, 8:04 AM
The Journal News reports, "But what has sold the schools on their solar installations is the curriculum that goes along with both the state and O&R's programs. Both programs come with nearly two dozen lesson plans based on solar power that are in line with state learning standards. There are science, physics, math and conservation lessons and an online piece that allows anyone with Internet access the ability to track solar power generation at any installation in the program."
Community colleges suit adult learners
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Sunday July 23 2006, 10:18 AM
Milford Daily News reports, "Community colleges offer several advantages over traditional four-year colleges and universities. Aside from presenting an affordable education and convenient locales for its students, the adult programs are becoming more flexible with class schedules, and increasingly adapting to job market trends."
TC3 grants support variety of school programs; Digital photography, broadcasting and techie ‘real world' applications shared
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Friday July 21 2006, 9:48 AM
The Ithaca Journal reports, "The Tech Prep program at TC3 has awarded grants to local education efforts in eight high schools."
U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee approves Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies spending bill for fiscal year 2007.
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Thursday July 20 2006, 11:31 PM
U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee July 20, 2006 press release.
The Postsecondary Educational Experiences of High School Career and Technical Education Concentrators: Selected Results From the NELS:88/2000 Postsecondary Education Transcript Study
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Thursday July 20 2006, 10:19 AM
This NCES report presents information on the postsecondary educational experiences of students from the high school class of 1992 who concentrated in career and technical education (CTE) while in high school, including their postsecondary enrollment, coursetaking, and degree attainment patterns. The report also describes the extent to which high school CTE concentrators pursued the same field at the postsecondary level.
Career Zone
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Wednesday July 19 2006, 8:31 PM
CareerZone is a free, career exploration and planning system designed especially for New York State students.
Colleges Make Way for Internships
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Wednesday July 19 2006, 8:03 AM
NY Times (registration) reports, "Internships have displaced casual hourly jobs as the more typical summer experience for college students — one that may provide valuable professional contacts or even lead to full-time employment after graduation."
More college students start businesses
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Tuesday July 18 2006, 8:51 AM
Ithaca Journal reports, "It's the American dream to be the boss and bring in a good income. More than ever, college students are feeling much bolder about taking the leap into business ownership while in school or immediately after graduation."
Fewer men on campus
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Wednesday July 12 2006, 8:28 AM
USA Today editorial, "The blue-collar jobs that once supported families are drying up, affecting males more than females. So if a focused effort isn't made to address boys' needs, as was done successfully a generation ago for girls, many boys' futures will be grim, and the nation's ability to compete will slide."
Museum to offer high-tech programs, partners with schools, colleges, businesses to fill education gap
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Monday July 10 2006, 6:36 AM
Star Gazette reports, "The project will focus on getting students interested in high-tech fields starting in middle school, and will build on the Flying Start summer youth camp launched last year by Wings of Eagles Discovery Center. The effort is designed to fill what organizers see as a gap in local education programs."
RIT leader honored for work force development
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Friday July 07 2006, 8:27 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "Simone, who will conclude his tenure as RIT's eighth president in mid-2007, received the second annual 'Friend of Business and Workforce' award given by RochesterWorks, a local work force development agency."
How to Educate Young Scientists
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Monday July 03 2006, 8:02 AM
NY Times registration required. NY Times reports, "The United States could easily fall from its privileged perch in the global economy unless it does something about the horrendous state of science education at both the public school and university levels."
A teen with class
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Monday July 03 2006, 7:37 AM
NY Daily News
Beyond technology; Engineering can be automated; the future belongs to artsy folks
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Sunday July 02 2006, 11:27 AM
Kansas Gov. Blunt Announces New Worker Training Strategy
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Sunday July 02 2006, 8:36 AM
State invests in future teachers
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Saturday July 01 2006, 7:23 AM
Times Union
Education for entrepreneurs
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Monday June 26 2006, 8:37 AM
USA Today
NYS Department of Labor Apprentice Training Program
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Sunday June 25 2006, 8:25 AM
Workforce Development Institute
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Sunday June 25 2006, 8:19 AM
The Workforce Development Institute is dedicated to providing the Capital District with superior training conducted by professionals working in the field.
Training to do the job
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Sunday June 25 2006, 8:08 AM
Times Union
Kentucky Community College reinventing the way it works with businesses, students and technology
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Saturday June 24 2006, 9:18 AM
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) tips to companies that employ teenagers
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Thursday June 22 2006, 8:21 AM
With a Little Help, Gaining Broader Access to Better-Paying Jobs (NY Times registration)
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Monday June 19 2006, 7:29 AM
Delaware committee wants more high school credits
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Friday June 16 2006, 9:21 AM
Report concerned with Pennsylvania students coping in new economy
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Wednesday June 14 2006, 7:15 PM
Investment in early ed pays off for business
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Wednesday June 14 2006, 7:30 AM
Latin Tech gets 100G
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Wednesday June 14 2006, 7:08 AM
Steady job beats four years of college for a dwindling number of graduates
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Sunday June 11 2006, 8:39 AM
Vocational education back in vogue at California schools
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Saturday June 10 2006, 9:17 AM
U.S. in education race with China, India, journalist says
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Saturday June 10 2006, 7:32 AM
50 graduate from career program
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Friday June 09 2006, 7:26 AM
College presidents address Rensselaer chamber breakfast
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Thursday June 08 2006, 1:35 PM
At Center of Excellence, students glimpse their future
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Thursday June 08 2006, 1:07 PM
"Taking Preschool Education Seriously as an Economic Development Program: Effects on Jobs and Earnings of State Residents Compared to Traditional Economic Development Programs"
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Thursday June 08 2006, 7:12 AM
Timothy Bartik, Senior Economist, The Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
Giving kids the biz
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Thursday June 08 2006, 6:28 AM
Pennsylvania Gov. Rendell Says Building Trades Partnership Will Expand Opportunities For Philadelphia Students
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Wednesday June 07 2006, 2:23 PM
Summer job market heats up for college graduates
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Monday June 05 2006, 8:54 AM
The Future is in Their Hands
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Sunday June 04 2006, 8:50 AM
New Curriculum Focuses on High-School Entrepreneurs
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Saturday June 03 2006, 2:03 PM
Wyoming Gov. Freudenthal hopes investments in education aid business development
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Thursday June 01 2006, 12:35 PM
Study: Low-income college grads on par with peers
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Thursday June 01 2006, 9:29 AM
Take This Internship and Shove It (NY Times registration)
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Tuesday May 30 2006, 7:10 AM
Business Council of New York State, Inc.
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Sunday May 28 2006, 11:08 AM
Project Lead The Way Inc. (PLTW)
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Sunday May 28 2006, 11:01 AM
Vocational education back in vogue
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Sunday May 28 2006, 8:24 AM
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
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Sunday May 28 2006, 8:21 AM
College No Guarantee of Top-Dollar Pay
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Tuesday May 23 2006, 10:55 AM
Regents need rigorous requirements
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Tuesday May 23 2006, 7:07 AM
Newburgh deserves and needs a branch campus
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Tuesday May 23 2006, 6:21 AM
Preparing the Health Workforce
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Friday May 19 2006, 5:36 PM
By Eleanor Schiff. A healthy nation depends on an adequate supply of well-educated and well-trained health professionals. As the demographics of the U.S. change with the baby-boom generation beginning to retire and the increasing cultural diversification of our society, the need for a stable or growing number of health professionals and a diverse workforce reflective of our population is increasingly important
Secretary Spellings Delivers Remarks to the Commission on the Future of Higher Education
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Friday May 19 2006, 5:19 PM
Technical college receives aviation education grant
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Wednesday May 10 2006, 9:09 PM
Recalling vo-ag education in the 1950s
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Monday May 08 2006, 11:58 AM
Montana 2-year colleges key to success
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Wednesday May 03 2006, 11:00 PM
Study Shows Dramatic Earnings Increase for California Community College Graduates
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Wednesday May 03 2006, 4:20 PM
College grads chase jobs to growing metro areas
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Sunday April 30 2006, 10:34 AM
SUNY New Paltz students can win scholarship in business plan contest
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Friday April 28 2006, 8:34 AM
The community college boost
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Sunday April 23 2006, 9:43 AM
Michigan warns colleges: Prep teachers better
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Sunday April 16 2006, 10:00 AM
In dollars and cents, education's value huge
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Sunday April 16 2006, 8:11 AM
Job-Market Churn a Fact of Life for U.S. Workers
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Thursday April 13 2006, 1:35 AM
Building foundation for masonry's future
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Tuesday April 11 2006, 7:00 AM
$136 billion over 10 yrs to strengthen science education, encourage entrepreneurship & innovatation
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Friday April 07 2006, 11:16 PM
Sec. Spellings' prepared testimony before House Committee on Education and the Workforce
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Thursday April 06 2006, 2:04 PM
Sec. Spellings' prepared testimony before House Committee on Education and the Workforce
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Thursday April 06 2006, 2:04 PM
Struggling Students Want Vocational Education, Poll Shows
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Thursday April 06 2006, 8:27 AM
Transcript: Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
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Thursday April 06 2006, 12:06 AM
Hudson Valley Construction Career Day
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Sunday April 02 2006, 11:27 AM
Best to BOCES
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Tuesday March 28 2006, 12:33 PM
Education official touts S.C. technical schools
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Tuesday January 24 2006, 10:03 AM
Higher Education in PA: A Competitive Asset for Communities. Jennifer S. Very, Dec. 2005
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Monday December 05 2005, 8:54 PM
The Brookings Institute: This paper surveys Pennsylvania's higher education landscape and its economic impact, proposing a number of policy approaches to boost collaboration—especially on community revitalization.
Parents' Low Education Leads to Low Income, Despite Full-Time Employment
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Saturday December 03 2005, 2:21 PM
National Center for Chidren in Poverty. Parents without some college education continue to lose economic ground despite full-time employment.
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