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Privacy issues curb teen-driver rules
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Wednesday August 29 2007, 8:24 PM
Chicago Tribune reports, "The law would have required school districts to submit information to the State Board of Education, detailing whether a student had been expelled, truant or who had dropped out of school. That information would then have been passed to Secretary of State Jesse White's office, which would have flagged the affected students and barred them from driving privileges. State education officials said they decided to delay enforcing the law after the U.S. Department of Education notified them that it violated the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act, said Matthew Vanover, a spokesman for the state board. 'They told us it would be a violation ... for that information to be shared with the secretary of state's office,' he added."
Truancy could result in tickets
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Saturday August 18 2007, 7:59 PM
Farmington Press reports, "The absence policy is on a semester basis. After three absences, a letter is sent to the parents about the school attendance policy. This letter is sent out automatically to those students who have missed that number of days, even if they have a doctor’s excuse. 'There is a contact number to call on the letter. Many times, parents who have received this first letter will call and say they have sent doctor’s excuses,' said Swinarski. 'They should not worry — if they’ve called, then that means they’re doing what they should do.' She explained this also gives parents an opportunity to perhaps let the district know about a certain health issue a child may have that can keep them from attending school. 'We can help them in whatever way they may need (after reviewing the case),' she said. A letter is also sent when a student has six absences in a semester. At seven absences, more steps are put into place. 'When a student reaches that seventh day, a letter is sent to the parents saying that anymore absences over that number would not allow the student to make up the work. We send out a date and time for a meeting that we would like to discuss this with them,' said Burch."
Grant aids districts to keep kids in school
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Monday July 23 2007, 8:50 AM
Troy Record reports, "Goodwin [superintendent of the Lansingburgh School District] said the effort began as a look at issues affecting youth, which touched on the correlation between crime and young people, and then gradually narrowed its focus to keeping kids in school. 'There's a lot of issues that go into truancy - sometimes it's family structure, sometimes it's the child's education level, sometimes it's substance abuse or mental health issues that aren't being addressed,' Riegert said. 'Sometimes there's a perception by the child that there's no one who really cares if they go to school." Mary Capabianca, who is in her third year as assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction in the Troy district, concurred. She says reasons for truancy can include a lack of hope on the part of a student, or alternately a sense of obligation to help out their families during tough times.'"
Smaller schools work well in NYC
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Sunday July 15 2007, 12:33 PM
Murray B. Light, former editor of The Buffalo News opines, "Truancy, discipline problems, substance abuse and gang involvement show great improvement. The level of student activity in extracurricular school also is much higher and more varied in the small schools than in the larger ones. The report also shows that student attendance was better in the smaller schools and that a smaller percentage of students dropped out of the smaller schools than the larger ones."
Principals respond to truant sweep
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Wednesday June 20 2007, 3:11 PM
Maryland Gazette reports, "The law states that starting in October, students will have to present their school attendance records to the Motor Vehicle Administration to get a driver's permit. Students under the age of 16 with more than 10 unexcused absences in the prior school semester will not be allowed to get a permit."
School is fine - for teachers
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Wednesday June 20 2007, 9:20 AM
Denver Post columnist Al Knight opines, "Skepticism is the only appropriate response to news that the Denver Public Schools will hold principals and teachers more accountable for low student attendance."
New Illinois truancy law clashes with federal law
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Sunday June 17 2007, 11:41 PM
"Another new law is coming that could further drive down truancy rates in Rockford schools. It threatens something that many teenagers hold dear: their driver’s licenses." "Starting July 1, the new state law requires Illinois school districts to report chronic and habitual truants to Secretary of State Jesse White. Students on the list will not be allowed to obtain a learner’s permit or driver’s license until they are 18, unless the School District certifies that the applicant has resumed regular school attendance. Rockford School District attorney Stephen Katz raises one concern with the new law — another law, called the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act, prohibits sharing student records without parental permission to all but a select group of agencies."
Kids don't drop out all of the sudden
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Sunday June 17 2007, 11:51 AM
Roanoke Times opines, "Addison's reward system proves that dangling carrots does work by giving students an incentive to learn beyond the satisfaction of earning good grades. But so too must schools, starting in the primary grades, use sticks to compel attendance. This means diligently tracking down absentees, talking with the parents, hounding them and, if necessary, taking enforcement action. If Roanoke can get kids coming to school, it stands a better chance of keeping them in school."
State toughens its penalties for school truancy
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Sunday June 17 2007, 10:41 AM reports, "Parents of [Maine] elementary schoolchildren will face larger fines and more intervention from the state if their children miss a lot of school, under a bill passed by the House and Senate this week."
Anti-truancy efforts begin to pay off for Rockford
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Tuesday June 12 2007, 9:41 AM
Rockford Register opines, "Truancy court may seem harsh, but it is not nearly as harsh as life without a good education. Kids who go to school regularly get better grades. Students who enjoy success at school are more likely to graduate. Teens who graduate are more likely to get better jobs and earn more money to support themselves and their families. Truant students are three times more likely to turn to crime than those who attend school regularly. We have a new jail for those students, but would rather see them turn their lives around than become guests at the criminal justice complex."
Truants dent Texas wallet
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Tuesday June 12 2007, 9:11 AM
Galveston Daily News reports, "Truant students will cost Galveston public school district thousands of dollars in state money this year, a Region IV consultant told trustees last week. School districts receive funding based on average daily attendance. Records show that Galveston Independent School District’s absenteeism rate was so high in 2006-07 that, on average, each student missed 9.9 days during the year, said Jim Vinson, who conducted an audit on the district’s public education information management system (PEIMS) reports."
Ottumwa, IOWA school parents peeved over policy
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Thursday May 24 2007, 8:19 AM
The Ottumwa Courier reports, "The district’s attendance policy, which went district-wide the first day of this school year, allows a virtually unlimited amount of 'excused' absences approved by a doctor or school nurse. Parents can only keep a child out six days without proof. After six 'unexcused' absences, the district starts sending letters stressing the importance of attendance. Successive letters contain stronger, more insistent language. If those do not work, the district orders an attendance hearing with the parents. If ignored, they can bring in the county attorney. 'These are threats and strong-arm tactics that are going to alienate parents,' Runkle claims."
New Mexico Youth Task Force assesses student needs
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Friday May 18 2007, 8:44 PM
Cibola County Bureau reports, "The meeting of the new Community Task Force, formed to deal with the growing problems of truancy and violence in the schools, got underway Wednesday morning at the Coyote del Malpais Golf Course. The purpose of the task force, which includes representatives from different agencies in the community, is to formulate programs to help keep kids in school, and to deal with the problems they have in society."
Section 3213 - Chapter 16, Title IV, Article 65, Part I -- Supervisors of attendance; attendance teachers; attendance officers; appointment, compensation, powers and duties
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Monday May 14 2007, 9:39 PM
Truancy Reduction: Keeping Children in School
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Sunday May 13 2007, 5:47 PM
By Myriam L. Baker, Jane Nady Sigmon, and M. Elaine Nugent.
Habitual Truancy: Examples of State Definitions
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Sunday May 13 2007, 9:01 AM
For the most part, compulsory attendance laws do not specify the number of times a student must be truant before sanctions (also part of the compulsory attendance laws) are enforced. This ECS StateNote provides examples of states where truancy and habitual truancy are defined at the state level. (Kyle Zinth, Education Commission of the States, April 2005)
Truancy News and Reports Archives
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Saturday May 12 2007, 6:17 PM
Education New York online "truancy" news and reports archives.
Re-Engaging Youth in School: Evaluation of the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Project
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Saturday May 12 2007, 5:46 PM
National Center for School Engagement, August 10, 2006. "The following data reflect all seven demonstration sites in the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Truancy Prevention project. These sites are located in Suffolk County, New York; Contra Costa, California: Tacoma and Seattle, Washington; Houston, Texas; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Jacksonville, Florida. The purpose of collecting these data was to identify the intervention population and track truant students’ progress. The first set of tables is the aggregate of these seven sites from the projects inception to July 21, 2006. Following these data are the individual site reports. This report includes the following information: • Students Served • Ethnicity of Students • Grades of Students • Age of Students • Gender of Students • IEP status • Discipline Problems • Involvement with Juvenile Justice • Primary Care Giver • Income Eligibility Status • Students who live in home with only one adult • Students who have no working adult in the home • Average Number of children in the home • Unexcused Absences over Time • Excused Absences over Time • Tardies over Time • Days of In-School Suspensions • Days of Out-of-School Suspensions • Overall Academic Performance (over time)" "The overarching goal of truancy prevention is obviously to improve attendance and this effort was successful. In general, while excused daily absences did not change appreciably, unexcused daily absences fell dramatically and tardies declined. Period absences did not change linearly and therefore a meaningful trend isn’t apparent. Of the sites that reported enough update data, the most successful sites were Jacksonville and Honolulu. These sites primarily targeted parents because the target student population were elementary students. All sites had less information for students across time. One reason for this may be that students who no longer needed intervention were no longer tracked. Thus, reported improvements may actually be smaller than what actually occurred." " In general, the elementary-level truancy issues may be easier to deal with because the children are not 'deep-end' yet and the parents are the primary focus. Older truants are likely to have more challenges and thus may require more intensive services."
Truancy Intervention Project (TIP)
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Saturday May 12 2007, 5:41 PM
The Truancy Intervention Project ("TIP") was developed in 1991 by former Fulton County Juvenile Court Chief Judge Glenda Hatchett and Terry Walsh, then President of the Atlanta Bar Association. Its objective is to provide an early, positive intervention with children reported as truants. Recognizing the need for a private sector partner to further provide for the children in the Project, Kids In Need of Dreams, Inc. was formed in 1993 to coordinate the efforts of the Truancy Intervention Project by recruiting and training attorney and non-attorney volunteers and facilitating utilization of community resources. After 14 years, in October 2005, this founding identity was dropped and the organization adopted the name Truancy Intervention Project Georgia.
Education reform meets truancy head on
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Thursday May 10 2007, 9:42 AM
On Board Online • Volume 6 • No. 17 • October 10, 2005. "While truancy is an age-old problem, the number of students cutting school increased 61 percent between 1989 and 1998, according to the Colorado Foundation for Families and Children. And truancy is blamed for high juvenile crime rates. In cities with aggressive truancy programs, juvenile crime rates have dropped considerably, 68 percent in Minneapolis alone."
School truancy bill moving forward
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Thursday May 03 2007, 10:26 PM reports, "Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, attendance is one of the markers measuring how well a school is doing overall. Some Augusta schools have been cited for not meeting that standard."
ACLU Urges Rhode Island Supreme Court to Review Truancy Courts
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Thursday May 03 2007, 9:32 AM
The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island today asked the state Supreme Court to review a case that raises fundamental questions about the procedures used by so-called “truancy courts” that prosecute students who are absent from school. The ACLU filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case arguing that essential due process safeguards are absent from the operation of these courts, which have become increasingly prevalent in public schools across the state. “The ACLU is very concerned about the increasing numbers of parents and children pulled into the truancy court system,” said Amy Tabor, an ACLU cooperating attorney and author of today’s brief. “Some school districts treat children as truant whenever they arrive at school a few minutes late, even though their lateness has resulted in only a few minutes of missed homeroom.”
Officials to revisit truancy program
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Wednesday May 02 2007, 8:46 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "Deputy Mayor Patty Malgieri said Tuesday that city and school officials will begin work next week to retool a truancy program that has struggled in its first year. 'Kids can't learn if they're not in their seats,' she said. Truancy feeds the city's dropout and unemployment rates, officials say, which connect to crime, poverty and other issues."
Keeping Kids in the Classroom
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Tuesday May 01 2007, 10:52 AM
Washington Post reports, "The problem of truancy has drawn widespread attention this year, prompting some area lawmakers to call for tough measures to keep track of the most habitual offenders and leading school officials to crack down on those who constantly skip class. In its recently concluded session, the Maryland General Assembly passed a measure that would make it possible to deny driver's licenses to students who have too many unexcused absences. Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) is expected to sign it. During the same session, some lawmakers in Prince George's proposed strapping ankle bracelets on students to electronically monitor the whereabouts of those who constantly skip school. That bill did not advance. But the county's police announced April 11 that they had caught 425 truants in a crackdown that began in February."
We can stem truancy with community effort
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Wednesday April 25 2007, 9:53 AM
Indianapolis Star opines, "Gaylon Nettles, the state [Indiana] Department of Education's chief attendance officer, is right in noting that neither parents nor schools can stem truancy on their own. It will take a strong community effort to keep children on the path to improving their educational and economic destinies.
A battle with absentees
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Monday April 23 2007, 11:08 AM
Indianapolis Tribune opines, "Changing the pattern of poor attendance must start with parents, who must take the time to ensure that their children are in school each day. But school districts, police and the community as a whole also have vital roles to play in holding students and their parents accountable. At a time when a good education has never been more important for economic stability, the high truancy rates that plague Wayne Township and other school districts are intolerable. Missing school may well translate into young people missing opportunities to graduate, land good jobs and secure their future."
Should teen mothers be held to truancy standards?
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Saturday April 14 2007, 8:49 PM
A Shrewdness of Apes blog: "Well, here's an interesting dilemma: Well, here's an interesting dilemma: A 16-year-old student who claims in a lawsuit that her school district discriminated against her because she is a teen mother has missed 211 days of school over the last four years, according to officials in the Harrisburg area school district. A 16-year-old student who claims in a lawsuit that her school district discriminated against her because she is a teen mother has missed 211 days of school over the last four years, according to officials in the Harrisburg area school district."
Who Cares About Truancy in Seattle Public High Schools?
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Wednesday April 11 2007, 8:15 PM
Truancy is not exactly a new problem, and the literature abounds with approaches to increasing school attendance.
Student claims school discriminates against her as a teen mom
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Saturday April 07 2007, 9:14 AM
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports, "According to the complaint, A.C. has missed a number of school days to care for her child. Some of those absences are because she had to take the boy to doctor's appointments, she claims. Other times, if her mother cannot watch her son, she has no other available child care. But the school district has ruled that those absences are unexcused and, therefore, its officials believe A.C. and her mother are guilty of violating state truancy laws. The school district has filed charges against A.C. four times and against her mother five times, according to the lawsuit."
Los Angeles Unified is counting its truants
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Wednesday March 21 2007, 10:10 AM
LA Times reports, "Although the Los Angeles Unified School District has ramped up its efforts to keep students in school, a new report shows that thousands are still skipping class routinely, and the problem is rampant in a few low-performing schools. The report is the first in what is intended as a series of monthly accounts that will track truancy and absenteeism in every middle and high school in the district — something that has not been done in such a systematic way before. The information is considered critical because students typically begin skipping school sporadically before dropping out altogether. L.A. Unified is trying to tackle a dropout rate that is officially 24.1% but has been estimated at close to double that."
Maryland Moves To Tie Teens' Truancy to Licenses
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Friday March 16 2007, 8:57 AM
Washington Post reports, "Maryland lawmakers issued a tough warning to teenagers yesterday: no school, no car keys. The House of Delegates approved a bill that would deny driver's licenses to students with 10 or more unexcused absences in the previous calendar year. A similar measure passed the Senate Judiciary Committee late yesterday, and it appears to have wide support in the full chamber."
Long View HS truancy cases piling up
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Sunday March 11 2007, 7:22 AM
The News-Journal (Texas) reports, "According to state law, a student is truant upon having 10 unexcused absences in a school year. Absences are considered excused when they are due of health reasons or school-related activities, according to Jennifer Scott, LISD assistant superintendent. Each unexcused absence equals about $12 in lost state funds to the school district, Scott said. Truancy cases thus far have amounted to more than $70,000 lost by the district, which has a total budget of more than $50 million."
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Friday March 09 2007, 8:47 AM
cbs reports, "According to police, statistical data has shown that high rates of truancy are directly linked to daytime criminal behavior and that truant students are more prone to drop out of school."
Pennsylvania calls for tougher tactics to tackle truancy
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Thursday March 08 2007, 11:17 AM
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports, "From warning letters to parents to hauling kids before the local magistrate, school districts in Pennsylvania long have had ways to deal with students who habitually skip school. But state education officials now are asking school officials to dig a little deeper to get to the root of chronic truancy and devise a plan to fix the problem."
New York City Schools Truancy Letter
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Wednesday March 07 2007, 1:10 PM
As the 2006-2007 school year begins we would like to wish all of our students a successful and productive year. We would also like to take this opportunity to provide important information about our continuing truancy reduction effort, which begins on the end of September 2006. The truancy program, known as TRACK in Brooklyn and Staten Island and PACT in Queens and Manhattan, is a cooperative venture among the New York City District Attorneys’ Offices, the New York City Police Department, the New York City Department of Education and the Police Athletic League. The purpose of the program is to reduce truancy and to keep students safe and in school during regular school hours.
Schools cut truancy by half
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Wednesday March 07 2007, 9:20 AM
Savannah Morning News reports, "In addition to showing up for the tests and performing well, a school's pass-fail rate can hinge on attendance, according to Dana Tofig, a spokesman for the Georgia Department of Education. 'If students aren't in school, they probably are not keeping up with schoolwork and they are less likely to do well on curriculum exams,' Tofig said. 'Attendance can directly impact AYP, but it's also something school systems can focus on with a great deal of success.' Lockamy said he isn't just satisfied with simply ensuring students are in their desks each day. He wants to know why students stray from the classroom in the first place."
New York City Department of Education Attendance Services
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Monday March 05 2007, 9:17 PM
The Office of Attendance is responsible for the oversight of attendance policies, procedures and programs for New York City public school students. This includes the development and implementation of attendance guidelines and procedures, provision of on-going technical assistance and support and collaboration with outside agencies and organizations on attendance-related issues. The office also serves as a resource to the community and the public-at-large. In addition, the office is responsible for: Employment Certification; Attendance Improvement and Dropout Prevention (AIDP) Programs; Truancy Prevention Programs (TRACK, PACT); and home schooling.
Maryland truancy bill offers no real solutions
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Friday February 23 2007, 7:54 AM
Maryland reports, "The truancy problem is an urban or inner city problem as a result of failed education policies. It begs the question, why we do not understand that our kids know what they need and what they want? Why are we punishing them for a system that has failed? Why are we not including the truancy offenders at the table to address the problem and solutions? Why are we not engaging our parents, churches, community, social workers and nonprofits to help us solve this problem? We have stripped our schools of vocational training, our county lacks a performing arts center and we do not have state-of-the-art technology training centers. In addition, our schools are overcrowded and many of our children are becoming frustrated when they cannot get the extra help needed to stay on pace. We have failed to provide positive alternatives to the truancy problem."
Local Pennsylvania school board debating truancy
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Thursday February 22 2007, 10:56 AM
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports, "School districts across the state have been mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to come up with policies dealing with chronic truancy and tardiness. The new mandates address the Federal No Child Left Behind outcomes, which include attendance records as well as measures for math and reading."
Success at fighting truancy to cost local Illinois county
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Sunday February 04 2007, 1:11 PM
Daily Chronicle reports, "Every three years the regional superintendent's office applies for a grant to the Illinois State Board of Education to fund its DeKalb County Truancy Intervention Program. This year's budget was $119,000, which provides funding for three outreach workers. Beckwith said she expects the grant next year will be 10 percent less. A child is considered a chronic truant if he has missed 18 days in 180 school days."
Caney Valley (Oklahoma) implements truancy program
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Thursday January 11 2007, 9:46 AM
Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise reports, "The team sets up a plan with the parents — to decrease absences and tardiness — and closely monitors the attendance of the child to be sure that the plan is being followed."
Truancy can spell trouble for Colorado parents
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Wednesday December 27 2006, 10:52 AM
Cortez Journal reports, "'Parents may be surprised to hear that if they do not support their children in their education and their children account for too many unverified absences, the parents could face hefty fines and could go to jail. 'Truant' is defined by Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary as 'one who avoids doing work or fulfilling a duty, especially one who is absent from school without permission.' Under this definition and the No Child Left Behind Act signed by President Bush in 2002, which calls for every child not only to be enrolled in school but also to pass achievement tests, truant would include not only students who do not attend school, but also those who don't complete their schoolwork and receive below-average grades."
Tough truancy rules sought
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Monday December 18 2006, 7:41 AM
Baltimore Sun reports, "Board members [Howard County, Maryland] were told that truant students could face consequences that include community service, counseling, substance abuse evaluation and treatment, mental health evaluation and treatment, a curfew and loss of driving privileges. The Howard County truancy court would be based on a model used in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. However, unlike that model, which applies only to students 15 and younger, the Howard County court would apply to students 12 and older."
Teachers are truant, too, Philadelphia reform commissioner says
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Thursday December 07 2006, 8:13 AM
Philadelphia Inquirer reports, "With 10 percent of students absent on any given day, and the mayor and a school chief pledging to hire 400 new truancy officers, there's plenty of attention on a student attendance problem in the Philadelphia School District. But at yesterday's School Reform Commission meeting, Commissioner Daniel Whelan suggested that teacher attendance deserves some of the spotlight, too."
Philadelphia parents get mass truancy warning
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Friday December 01 2006, 8:17 AM
Philadelphia Daily News reports, "Letters telling parents it is their duty to make their children attend school - and warning that failure to do so could result in fines or jail time - went to thousands of homes of children ages 12 to 14. Some protested, saying they couldn't make their kids go to school. Others complained that they had sent letters giving legitimate reasons for absences and been summoned unfairly." Children and parents were asked to sign a "Family School Attendance Agreement."
Tennessee Gov. Bredesen focuses on education for legacy
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Friday December 01 2006, 8:02 AM
The City Paper reports, "While additional funding for urban school systems has been discussed for years, Bredesen is backing two new education initiatives to help high school students graduate. The governor wants to add truancy officers in all of the state’s 400 public high schools to improve attendance and, hopefully, result in more high school students graduating." Gov. Bredesen may devote about $25 million more to continue to expand pre-K in the state’s next budget.
Pennsylvania urging districts to get tough on school-skippers
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Monday November 27 2006, 7:53 AM
Post Gazette reports, "The state said the recommendations came from a Statewide Task Force on School Attendance and Truancy Reduction. Because federal and state performance standards require growing percentages of students to post gains on math and reading tests, the state considers truancy a growing concern. Dr. Cupples said the Pittsburgh district will send parents a letter to explain the policy changes, remind them of their obligations under the state's compulsory attendance law and outline the penalties violators face. For repeated violations, parents face $300 fines, jail sentences, parenting classes and even the possibility of having their children placed in foster care. But the state says it wants to deal with truancy in the school whenever possible."
$3 million drive targets truancy: Philadelphia schools would add 400 parent officers to tackle 18% absenteeism.
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Thursday November 16 2006, 3:52 AM
Philadelphia Inquirer reports, "Among the other efforts in the truancy blitz: more sweeps to round up students, an expansion of after-school programs to serve 27,000 additional children, the tripling of the number of children and families served by counselors, and the tripling of parent-education classes for parents of truants. District officials estimate that 32,000, or 18 percent, of the city's 180,000 public schoolchildren, are illegally absent on any given day. Last school year, 80,000 missed eight or more days."
Maryland court program brings truancy improvements
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Tuesday November 07 2006, 7:48 AM
The Daily Times reports, "In its third and possibly final year, the truancy reduction pilot program seeks to understand and intervene in the underlying issues that keep children from school, said Christen Niskey, program coordinator for the truancy court effort in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester county public schools. The intervention strategies range from counseling to medical support services, she said."
Parental involvement key to a child's school success
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Sunday October 29 2006, 8:49 PM
Bay News 9 reports, "School district [Polk County, Florida] officials said classroom teaching is not enough. Parents are an integral part of the education process. So, the school board just approved nearly $250,000 in funding to hire outreach facilitators. Their job will be to talk to parents about homework, testing and truancy."
Crack down on school truancy
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Friday October 13 2006, 10:31 AM
Sun-Times News reports, "The ordinance provides for 'investigatory detention,' meaning a police officer may stop and detain a person whom the officer reasonably suspects to be violating the ordinance for the purpose of verifying the detained person's identity, age, school enrollment and authority to be absent from school. The subject shall be promptly released upon verification of authorization to be absent from school."
Officials help cut truancy rate in half: Local Wisconsin city leaders, schools, community collaborate
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Saturday September 16 2006, 10:47 AM
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports, "In two years, the Racine Unified School District has lowered its truancy rate from 21.7% to 9%, prompting state schools Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster to offer more financial support for the community and to proclaim Racine as the 'resource and model for others around the state' as programs to curb school-skipping expand to Madison, Kenosha, Janesville and Beloit."
Kentucky schools will compete in attendance
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Monday September 11 2006, 2:03 PM
The Cincinnati Post reports, "Decades ago, rounding up kids cutting school was the job of the police truancy officer. It's an image best captured in the famous Norman Rockwell painting of the officer sitting at a diner counter next to a young boy who appears to be set to run away from home. Rockwell was so 20th-century. Today, Newport Independent Schools is the only district in Kentucky to track truants electronically and with lightning-speed."
Upcoming school year for California state controlled district will focus on student achievement, budget
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Tuesday August 15 2006, 8:17 PM
Times-Herald reports, "Getting tough on truancy, plus more remedial classes at middle and high schools are some of what's in store as the Vallejo school district enters its third school year under state control."
Norwalk Proposes Eviction for Truancy
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Saturday July 08 2006, 9:20 PM
NY Times registration required. NY Times reports, "If their children repeatedly play hooky from school, residents of Norwalk's public housing complexes could be evicted under regulations proposed by the Norwalk Housing Authority."
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