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The Impact of School-District Consolidation on Property Values
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Thursday August 23 2007, 10:32 AM
A Monthly Column by EFAP Director John Yinger. Yinger writes, "Overall, this evidence implies that consolidation yields net benefits to the average household in a small rural school district, but that consolidation is not popular with high-income households anywhere in rural New York."
Tribes say No Child Left Behind leaves no room for culture
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Saturday August 11 2007, 12:03 PM
Santa Fe New Mexican reports, "State [New Mexico] Secretary of Education Veronica Garcia said schools in isolated rural areas, where many tribal and pueblo schools are located, often have difficulty recruiting teachers. The government needs to support ways to encourage Native Americans to become teachers so they can return to teach in their tribes and pueblos, Garcia said. The law also disregards tribal sovereignty by forcing schools to adhere to state academic standards, said Samantha Pasena, a recent graduate of the Santa Fe Indian School. In addition to issues facing Native Americans, the panel also brought up the concern that under No Child Left Behind, special-education students are forced to take the same tests as regular students."
Technology grant will aid Mount Markham class
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Wednesday August 01 2007, 9:46 AM reports, "Marzeski's classroom will receive computers, camcorders, microscopes and other learning tools to help students achieve a 'hands-on' experience, Marzeski said. 'For a rural school like Mount Markham to have this opportunity it is just unheard of,' she said Tuesday, the day the grant was announced."
Rural schools gather to enhance programs
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Tuesday July 24 2007, 7:14 AM
Ithaca Journal reports, "Nearly 100 educators, principals, superintendents and students from rural school districts in Central New York gathered at Cornell University's Becker House Monday for the beginning of a two-day conference focused on improving rural student achievement. The conference is focused on increasing graduation rates among low-income, rural students and preparing rural students for higher education."
Cornell works with rural schools to increase grad rates
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Friday July 20 2007, 8:09 AM
Ithaca Journal reports, "About 100 representatives from 18 rural school districts in Central New York will attend a two-day conference starting Monday at Cornell University to discuss ways the university can help the districts improve student achievement. The conference will also focus on increasing graduation rates among low-income rural students and preparing rural students for higher education."
County's rural libraries worth a visit
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Tuesday May 22 2007, 7:08 AM
Ithaca Journal guest columnist Lois Maki, Newfield Library director opines, "Story times, summer reading programs and other special events encourage children's reading. Connecting with the young people in our communities is an especially important goal at all the rural libraries. Visits by authors, illustrators, puppeteers, magicians, musicians and more have been a staple of children's programming by these libraries. Visits by school classes and librarian visits to the schools are another great way of introducing libraries to young people. Several of the rural libraries routinely employ high school students. This provides jobs, teaches skills and often helps teens gain experience in a positive work environment. The library profits by having employees who bring energy, up-to-date computer skills and enthusiasm to their job. All of these services and more are found at the rural libraries, but they are special in another important respect. These libraries are part of their communities. They are connected locally, knowing their patrons and being able to respond to them in a personal way. Each of these communities — Dryden, Groton, Newfield and Trumansburg — has its own flavor, which is reflected in the libraries. The collections, programs and services of each library are unique, just as each of these communities is unique."
Doubts Grow About 'No Child Left Behind'
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Monday April 16 2007, 6:00 PM
Oxford Analytica reports, "One recent empirical study found several enduring political fissures in response to the law, which will influence the NCLB reauthorization debate: 1. Regional divisions. A South-North divide has emerged in response to the law. Southern states have had a more positive reaction than Northern states. States in the South typically have more room for educational improvement and get a larger relative financial boost from federal dollars. 2. Urban-rural divide. Voters in rural districts are positive about NCLB, because they generally witness more funds going to their schools. Yet parents in urban areas are increasingly unsettled by the influence of the law. Urban schools find meeting NCLB targets more difficult. 3. Union politics. Many state-level initiatives that predated NCLB focused on the failings of teachers and entrenchment of teachers' unions. NCLB addressed many of these concerns, but it continues to attract opposition from many educators. 4. Partisan cleavages. Although NCLB originated as a bipartisan initiative, traditional divisions have become increasingly apparent. Democrats are increasingly concerned about the enhanced federal role in school testing and teacher assessment, while Republicans generally favor this approach. However, Republican resistance to providing additional funding is hardening."
Why We Must Continue Funding Rural Schools
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Wednesday March 28 2007, 6:48 PM
Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo writes, "Ideally, management of our forested land would generate the revenue necessary to assist with services in cash-strapped communities with large amounts of federally owned land. Unfortunately, that just hasn’t been the case for some time. We must continue to work to remove impediments to forest health and productivity. However, in the meantime, Congress must commit the resources necessary to ensure that rural communities across this country do not have to forgo road maintenance, close libraries, and make cuts to children’s education. Anything less is unacceptable."
School finance reform plan gains support
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Friday March 16 2007, 8:41 AM
Post-Standard reports, "[Assemblyman] Magnarelli also said the [Statewide School Finance] consortium's formula is fair and would drive more money into poor urban and rural districts. The consortium developed the formula a decade ago and has been advocating for it ever since. The organization, based in East Syracuse, has almost 300 members, including school districts throughout Onondaga, Cayuga, Madison and Oswego counties, Timbs said. Its formula would establish a per-pupil foundation aid, adjust it for regional cost differences, provide extra aid for high-need students who cost more to educate and include a "save harmless" provision so that no district would lose basic aid. Statewide, about 200 of the 700 or so districts would see no increase and the rest would see their aid go up, said Larry Cummings, executive director of the Central New York School Boards Association, which founded and coordinates the consortium. Most Central New York districts would see increases."
Rural Schools Affected By Battle over Bush Plan
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Wednesday March 07 2007, 8:53 AM
NPR reports, "All Things Considered, March 6, 2007 · Rural schools in California are facing a crisis because of a fight over President Bush's plan to sell $800 million worth of national forest. Many rural schools get a huge portion of their budget from the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, which expired last year."
Wyoming seeks help on NCLB education law
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Tuesday March 06 2007, 10:42 AM
Star-Tribune reports, "The federal government should give Wyoming's department of education more money to help the state's school districts improve, be more flexible with rules about teacher certification, and judge school districts by whether students make personal progress, not by whether they meet arbitrary test scores, [state Superintendent of Public Instruction] McBride said in the letter and at a press conference Monday."
Officials say schools hindered in rural, poor areas of Arizona
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Saturday March 03 2007, 1:17 PM
East Valley Tribune reports, "Arizona continues to spend a smaller share of its education dollars on direct classroom instruction than the national average. New figures released Thursday by the state Auditor General’s Office show that in 2006 school districts spent an average of 58.3 cents of every dollar provided for education in the classroom. That includes teacher salaries, instructional supplies, textbooks, software and field trips. By comparison, the most recent national average is 61.5 cents."
'No Child Left Behind' report spotlights Yough
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Saturday March 03 2007, 7:51 AM
TRIBUNE-REVIEW reports, "'We picked (Yough)[Pennsylvania] because we wanted to showcase a rural, small community with a districtwide approach to complement the research we had on urban and suburban areas,' said Jennifer W. Adams, spokeswoman for the Commission on No Child Left Behind."
School Violence -- What Can Be Done to Make Schools Safer?
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Tuesday February 20 2007, 9:55 AM
Date of Debate: 1/22/2007. Justice Talking debate, " The school shooting in an Amish community near Lancaster, Pennsylvania points out that school violence can occur anywhere in the nation, from inner city neighborhoods to suburban or rural schools. But will lock-downs, random searches and metal detectors make students safer? And do programs to reduce bullying really work? "
No Child: 5 years of frustration
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Monday January 15 2007, 11:34 AM
Missoulian ROB CHANEY writes on NCLB, "There's an old joke about the optimist child who's shown a room filled with horse manure and immediately starts digging, exclaiming 'There's got to be a pony in here somewhere!' Five years after federal No Child Left Behind rules were imposed nationwide, Montana educators are still digging. But optimism is fading."
Photos chronicle decrepit schools
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Monday January 15 2007, 9:29 AM
The Post and Courier reports, "If a picture says a thousand words, then a photography exhibit on display this week should enlighten Charlestonians to the plight facing students and teachers in rural schools across the state. 'But What About Us?' features 60 photographs taken by students in seven of South Carolina's most rural school districts. The pictures depict unsafe and unsanitary school conditions, from broken playground equipment to leaky roofs to clogged sinks to rotting floors. The exhibit will be on display all week at the Gaillard Municipal Auditorium, and the documentary film 'Corridor of Shame: The Neglect of South Carolina's Rural Schools' will be screened on Wednesday night."
High-Quality Teachers
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Sunday January 14 2007, 3:10 PM
When asked why some larger districts in the county have a higher percentage of qualified teachers, Fashano said there are not as many job openings at rural schools, and prospective employees apply to larger districts first and then smaller ones second. Fashano said teacher candidates in Jamestown go through a ‘pretty extensive interview process’ and must teach a lesson in front of a committee. ‘'We found that if you spend more time up front and getting good quality candidates, your turnover rate becomes less,’ he said. Maria Neira, New York State United Teachers union vice president, said the Chautauqua County region is ahead of other parts of the state when it comes to teacher quality for a number of reasons. ‘One of the reasons is because you have a stable teaching force,’ she said. ‘You do not have a high turnover rate and the conditions tend to be better.'’’
High-speed help
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Tuesday January 09 2007, 6:02 AM
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin opined, ""If you live in the rural edges of Greater Binghamton you may live in a zone where all you have available for Internet access is dial-up service. At least that's a gateway, but in today's fast-paced computer communications, it's akin to Stone Age technology. Some features just won't work well with dial-up. Broadband is becoming the industry standard, with wi-fi as the choice for cutting edge businesses. Lacking access to broadband can hamper not only communication but educational research. In other words, it puts our rural students at a disadvantage to their peers."
Culture groups, schools studied
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Thursday December 28 2006, 5:32 AM
Post-Standard reports, "Officials with Partners for Arts Education, a nonprofit that awards grants across Central New York, said this month they plan to embark on a yearlong research project to assess the relationships between local schools and cultural organizations. Among the six schools selected for the study are Hamilton and Madison Central high schools and Madison Central elementary school."
Stage set for Tennessee school funding feud
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Monday December 25 2006, 5:38 PM
The Tennessean reports, "One of the biggest battles during the upcoming legislative session — slated to begin Jan. 9 — is shaping up to be a tussle between urban and rural school districts over funding. The Basic Education Program funding formula for K-12 schools is being challenged by urban school systems, who say that their portion of state tax dollars is falling while their costs are growing."
Idaho schools adopt 4-day week
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Monday December 18 2006, 9:08 AM
AP reports, "As their enrollment numbers continue to trickle away, many of Idaho's rural school districts are switching to a four-day school week to save money — and are seeing some extra benefits. At Marsh Valley High School, one of the latest school districts to make the switch as an experiment this year, teachers say attendance has gone up. At Bear Lake High, where they're in their second year of a four-day week, teachers say students show up fresher and ready to learn."
Colorado state audit critical of online schools
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Monday December 11 2006, 4:21 PM
Rocky Mountain News reports, "Online schools in Colorado are lagging behind traditional schools in a number of areas, including state exams that all students take, according to a state audit released this morning. The online schools have popped up in rural areas, especially in southeastern Colorado, in an effort to keep schools in small communities alive."
A high school student's best kept secret
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Sunday December 10 2006, 9:37 AM
Douglas Daily Dispatch contributor Mike Rohrbach, chairman of Cochise County Learning Advisory Council [CCLAC] writes, "Most parents, and therefore most students do not realize that while they are in High School, they can take these [Career Technical Education] CTE classes at a Cochise College campus. Yes, high school students are eligible to take college CTE classes while they are still in high school. Not only that. By taking these classes through what is known as the COMPACT program, they can earn high school credits while also building college or certificate credits. As if that were not exciting enough, the College subsidizes 50% of the tuition for these vocational courses."
Rural schools reach out for students and survival
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Sunday December 03 2006, 8:50 AM
Times Union reports, "At Keene, the per-student cost runs about $20,000 per year, even more if one counts the debt service, Johnston said. The state average is $13,826 per student as of the 2003-04 year, the latest for which full statewide figures were available."
Wyoming School District Raises Facilities, Test Scores
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Thursday November 30 2006, 8:57 PM
NPR reports, "Thanks to swollen state coffers, Wyoming is now spending more on its schools than most other states. One rural district, Pinedale, is especially benefiting. That district is in a building frenzy. And it has some of the highest scores on the state's assessment test."
Montana school officials defend new student ID numbers
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Wednesday November 29 2006, 9:22 AM
Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports, "Every [Montana] student will get a unique nine-digit number, so that their achievement on statewide reading and math tests can be tracked, and those results can be broken down by gender, race or ethnicity, and whether the student is low-income and qualifies for free and reduced-cost lunches. Special education, limited English and migrant status will also be recorded. That should make it easier for OPI to report on students' progress, information sought both by the Montana Legislature and by the federal government, under the No Child Left Behind Act. Quinlan said it should help schools figure out, for example, if a new reading program is working, how well low-income American Indian fourth-graders are performing, and better track graduation and dropout rates. School officials are still subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of student records, Quinlan said."
Overview of Public Elementary and Secondary Students, Staff, Schools, School Districts, Revenues, and Expenditures: School Year 2004-05 and Fiscal Year 2004
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Tuesday November 21 2006, 2:21 PM
This NCES report contains information from the 5 Common Core of Data (CCD) surveys: the 2004-05 state, local education agency, and school nonfiscal surveys for 2004-05 and the state and local education agency school finance surveys for fiscal year 2004. The report presents data about the students enrolled in public education, including the number of students by grade and the number receiving special education, migrant, or English language learner services. Some tables disaggregate the student data by racial/ethnic group or community characteristics such as rural - urban. The numbers and types of teachers, other education staff, schools, and local education agencies are also reported. Finance data include revenues by source (local, state, and federal) and total and per-pupil expenditures by function. Sable, J., and Hill, J. (2006). Overview of Public Elementary and Secondary Students, Staff, Schools, School Districts, Revenues, and Expenditures: School Year 2004–05 and Fiscal Year 2004 (NCES 2007-309). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
University of New Hampshire study finds more soldiers come from rural areas
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Sunday November 12 2006, 4:17 PM
AP reports, "'Rural young people are overrepresented in the military because it offers a good opportunity to get skills,' director Mil Duncan said. 'It's going to naturally be appealing to people for whom the opportunities at home aren't as good.'"
Educators React to Shift in Leadership at Gates Fund
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Saturday November 04 2006, 7:35 AM
NY Times KAREN W. ARENSON reports, "The results have been mixed. Some Gates schools have showed gains. Others have not. The foundation and Mr. Vander Ark have been applauded for focus and willingness to innovate, but criticized for moving too quickly and not paying enough attention to results, especially at first. Jay P. Greene, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research and a professor at the University of Arkansas who has received Gates money, praised Mr. Vander Ark’s focus but said the foundation 'was slow to commission rigorous evaluations of their efforts.'”
422 would repeal Nebraska Class I schools consolidation
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Wednesday November 01 2006, 9:40 AM
Daily Nebraskan reports, "Referendum 422 supporters say forced consolidation renders small communities incapable of having accessible schools that are sensitive to a rural community's needs. But perhaps the opposition's biggest concern is focused on the idea that LB126 has eliminated the ability of rural communities to dictate how its community education should operate."
The Children Left Behind
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Tuesday October 24 2006, 7:44 AM
The Cornell Daily Sun contributor Laura Taylor, a senior in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University writes, "The achievement gap between whites and Latinos and blacks is staggering. At the end of high school, black and Latino students have reading and mathematics skills that are roughly the same as white students in eighth grade. Beyond that, black students are half as likely as white students to have a college degree by age 29, and Latinos are only one third as likely."
Report highlights shortage of dentists in Massachusetts
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Monday October 16 2006, 7:47 PM
AP reports, "The group [Oral Health Collaborative of Massachusetts, representatives of local dental schools, state lawmakers and health care activists} recommends the state expand access to dental care, in part by increasing funding to so-called 'safety-net providers' like community health centers."
Education must evolve to keep America competitive
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Wednesday October 11 2006, 7:00 AM
The Press Republican reports, "Curriculums must emphasize innovation, problem solving and critical analysis, Rogers [executive director of the New York State Council of School Superintendents] said. Changing the structure entails increasing the school system's efficiency and productivity, developing new curriculums, having more centralized control in education and creating a social agenda to combat poverty."
Urban growth changes agricultural education
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Monday September 18 2006, 11:57 AM
Idaho Press-Tribune reports, "Because of the shift toward more urban topics, many agriculture teachers who grew up on farms and wanted to focus on production agriculture education found themselves having to take on unfamiliar subjects they had never considered learning or teaching before."
Rural schools officials lobby for timber payments
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Monday September 18 2006, 11:44 AM
AP reports, "'Rural children need to have equal opportunity to learn,' said Douglas, superintendent of Tehama County schools in Northern California. 'If this bill is not reauthorized, the promise of No Child Left Behind will be a hollow campaign promise in the forest counties of America and not a promise of opportunity.'"
Rural schools lobby for cash to ease logging losses
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Friday September 15 2006, 8:33 AM
The Oregonian reports, "More than 200 rural educators and officials from 22 states converged on Capitol Hill this week in a last-ditch effort to pressure Congress to continue payments to rural counties hurt by cutbacks in federal logging."
District deserves praise for thinking outside the box
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Wednesday September 06 2006, 7:38 AM
The Troy Record opined on rural school challenges and efforts, "The problems facing this sprawling rural school district, however, remain: decreasing enrollment, inconsistent and dwindling state aid and increased operational costs. Out of this morass of bad news, however, hope has arisen."
Teachers program seeks recruits
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Tuesday September 05 2006, 10:00 AM
Richmond Times Dispatch reports, "The Troops to Teachers program is a favorite among schools looking for experienced teachers to fill tough jobs in urban and rural school systems. But three years into the Iraq war, the program is struggling to find recruits as the military stops highly trained personnel from retiring."
Houston, Texas schools minority report
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Wednesday August 30 2006, 6:24 PM
The Dothan Eagle reports, "Hiring and promoting minorities is the Houston County Schools’ last obstacle before coming out from under a federal desegregation order. A competitive labor market and convincing minorities fresh-out-of-college to locate to a rural area is making this tough."
Statewide preschool pushed in Idaho
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Monday August 28 2006, 9:21 AM
AP reports, "Advocates for early childhood education have told a legislative task force that eager-to-learn 3-year-old kids in the state are falling behind their counterparts elsewhere because Idaho doesn't give them a chance to attend publicly funded preschool."
For rural schools, hurdles are huge: Kentucky options to improve test results are limited
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Sunday August 27 2006, 9:13 AM
HERALD-LEADER reports, "In reality, some NCLB sanctions don't hold a lot of weight in rural, lower-income districts. 'The law can sound tough, fire the teachers, fire the principals, take over the schools,' said Jack Jennings, president of the Center on Education Policy. 'But the practicality of the situation is that more likely than not, you are left with just improving the curriculum and retraining the teachers you have already. That's the practical side of all this.' Jennings said a community's attitudes also have a direct effect on student achievement."
USDA Rural Development
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Friday August 25 2006, 9:59 PM
Texas, Georgia and Oklahoma prepare for rules requiring more classroom spending [65%]
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Wednesday August 16 2006, 7:35 AM
Texas AP reports, "Experts also said the requirement will be tough for small and rural districts." Efforts are underway in Washington, Arizona, Missouri and Kansas.
Hawaii BOE should not lose sight of funding strategy's goal
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Thursday August 10 2006, 10:56 AM
Honolulu Star-Bulletin opined on Hawaii student-weighted funding, "The revamped formula increases the weight for geographically isolated schools, adds a new one for at-risk students and introduces three funding levels based on language fluency, all reasonable designations. Another recommendation is to create a full-time office to develop, coordinate and assess the formula."
Report: Tutoring part of No Child Left Behind falls short
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Saturday August 05 2006, 1:48 AM
USA Today reports, "About one in five school districts, most of them rural, didn't offer students any services even though they were required to do so, according to the GAO, Congress' watchdog arm"
U of New Hampshire study finds drug testing in schools slow to take off
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Friday July 28 2006, 8:53 AM
Union Leader reports, "Small and rural school districts nationwide are embracing random drug testing far faster than their larger urban peers, according to a University of New Hampshire study."
Preparing Principals for High-Need Rural Schools: A Central Office Perspective about Collaborative Efforts to Transform School Leadership
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Saturday July 22 2006, 8:30 PM
This article presents district administrators’ reflections about (a) the contextual challenges they face in leading a high-need rural school system in Central Appalachia and (b) the change initiatives they implemented to transform the principalship from school management to instructional leadership. The article presents perspectives by the district administrators and leadership educators involved in the district-initiated activities to change the culture of administrative practice. Browne-Ferrigno, T., & Allen, L. W. (2006, February 10). Preparing principal for high-need rural schools: A central office perspective about collaborative efforts to transform school leadership. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 21(1). Retrieved 7/22/2006 from
College pennants needed
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Friday July 07 2006, 2:44 PM
Nashoba Publishing reports, "The idea is to immerse the students in an environment filled with pennants from the different colleges and universities from around the nation and to encourage the students to look outside McNairy County, Tennessee, to see other possibilities for their lives."
Plan to sell national forest lands dealt setback
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Friday July 07 2006, 12:32 AM
WRICtv reports AP story, "The Bush administration's plan to sell national forest lands, including thousands of acres in Virginia, to help pay for rural schools is drawing widespread opposition and suffering legislative setbacks."
Smaller classes, bigger budgets
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Tuesday July 04 2006, 8:11 AM
The Citizen reports, "Whatever the causes, falling student populations are changing the face of education in rural areas. Though student numbers are down, costs continue to rise, which presents a major challenge for districts with a disintegrating tax base. In addition, fewer students translates into less state aid to help keep tax levies in check."
Schools' rules on cell phones reflect a variety of factors
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Sunday July 02 2006, 8:43 AM
New Nevada Funding to Improve School Transportation
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Thursday June 29 2006, 9:54 AM
Illinois rural schools funding changes unlikely
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Wednesday June 28 2006, 4:47 PM
The Rural Schools Association of New York State
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Saturday June 24 2006, 7:15 PM
Teach For America
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Saturday June 17 2006, 5:07 PM
Teach For America is the national corps of recent college graduates of all academic majors who commit two years to teach in urban and rural public schools and become lifelong leaders in ensuring educational equity and excellence for all children.
South Carolina early learning program helps at-risk students
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Friday June 16 2006, 10:20 PM
Virginia county gets grant for wireless plans
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Saturday June 10 2006, 9:35 AM
Learning on move Colorado migrant literacy program to begin
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Thursday June 08 2006, 9:54 PM
No funds for New Jersey rural schools till new plan
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Thursday June 08 2006, 7:40 AM
$1 million federal grant announced for Sullivan BOCES
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Wednesday June 07 2006, 7:54 AM
South Carolina educators say funding falls short
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Monday June 05 2006, 10:29 AM
Black schools more likely to close under Arkansas law, group says
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Saturday May 27 2006, 4:12 PM
Groups line up against a proposed forest sale
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Thursday May 25 2006, 3:59 PM
Sale of national forest land lacks support
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Sunday May 21 2006, 11:33 AM
Long bus rides for rural students a problem nationwide
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Wednesday May 17 2006, 12:07 PM
Forest land sale does not look likely
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Tuesday May 16 2006, 9:25 AM
Recalling vo-ag education in the 1950s
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Monday May 08 2006, 11:58 AM
President's FY 2007 Budget Proposal for the Forest Service - Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act Extension
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Friday May 05 2006, 9:16 AM
The President’s fiscal year 2007 budget includes a legislative proposal that would grant the Forest Service authority to sell small tracts of forest land that are isolated or inefficient to manage due to their location or other characteristics. The money received from the sales (up to $800 million) would go towards funding states and counties impacted by the loss of receipts associated with lower timber harvests on federal lands. The legislation would amend the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act for an additional five years.
Students Are Concerned by U.S. Plan to Sell Their Trees (NY Times registration)
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Friday May 05 2006, 8:10 AM
Some Minnesota Superior National Forest lands could be sold under Bush plan
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Thursday April 27 2006, 7:41 PM
Forest Service offers no analysis on land sale
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Thursday April 27 2006, 2:26 PM
Bush's proposal to sell off land to help rural schools met with negative responses from all sides
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Wednesday April 26 2006, 10:55 AM
Study says money does matter with education
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Wednesday April 19 2006, 7:09 AM
Arkansas rural schools group expands
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Saturday April 15 2006, 9:04 AM
More schools look to four-day weeks
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Friday April 14 2006, 9:00 AM
Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 comment period extended
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Friday April 07 2006, 11:41 PM
Charter schools can help rural school districts
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Friday March 31 2006, 3:03 PM
The incidence and impacts of student transiency in upstate New York’s rural school districts
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Thursday February 16 2006, 1:58 PM
Schafft, K. A. (2005, December 22). The incidence and impacts of student transiency in upstate New York’s rural school districts. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 20(15). Chronic student mobility, and in particular the mobility of students from low-income backgrounds, poses a serious yet underdocumented problem for rural schools. This article combines analyses of state-level school district data with survey and interview data to examine the patterns of low-income student mobility in upstate New York, and to assess the impacts on, and responses by, schools and other community institutions.
NSBA Rural Schools and Consolidation Policy Paper
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Friday November 25 2005, 9:32 PM
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