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Challenges in Matching Student and Worker Information Raise Concerns about Longitudinal Data Systems
Date CapturedWednesday July 15 2015, 7:29 AM
EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DATA Challenges in Matching Student and Worker Information Raise Concerns about Longitudinal Data Systems Report to the Chairman, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate November 2014 GAO-15-27 United States Government Accountability Office
Case Study #5: Minimizing Access to PII: Best Practices for Access Controls and Disclosure Avoidance Techniques (Oct 2012)
Date CapturedThursday November 27 2014, 7:14 AM
is case study illustrates best practices for minimizing access to sensitive information with education data maintained in a Statewide Longitudinal Data System.
How Much Data Is Enough Data? What happens to privacy when bureaucracies exceed their scope
Date CapturedThursday October 18 2012, 4:38 PM
The following is a detailed account of Oklahoma’s P20 Council (that organization dedicated to the collection of “educational data” as prescribed by the Obama Administration through development of a State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS))- their operation, goals and function in the state of Oklahoma. This is, in fact, very important information, as EVERY STATE IN THE UNION is to have a similar council. Not all SLDS development groups are called, P20 (which stands for pre-K to 20 years of age – the time span over which this data is to be collected and accrued). Some other acronyms are P12, P20 Workforce and SLDS.
“We’re From the Government and We’re Here to Help You”
Date CapturedWednesday January 25 2012, 12:29 PM
Speakers: Kathleen M. Styles, Chief Privacy Officer, U.S. Department of Education and Michael B. Hawes, Statistical Privacy Advisor, U.S. Department of Education The Department of Education administers the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and recently established a Chief Privacy Officer position to coordinate federal technical assistance on privacy and confidentiality to the education community. Kathleen will discuss ED’s privacy initiatives, both in schools and in connection with student longitudinal databases. The presentation will cover recently issued and forthcoming guidance documents and regulation changes. She and Michael Hawes will also discuss the difficult balance in releasing student data, about the need to both be transparent and protect privacy through disclosure avoidance.
S. 1464 - METRICS Act
Date CapturedSaturday August 13 2011, 3:10 PM
To enable States to implement integrated statewide education longitudinal data systems. This Act may be cited as the ``Measuring and Evaluating Trends for Reliability, Integrity, and Continued Success (METRICS) Act of 2011'' or the ``METRICS Act''.
DQC: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Support for State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS)
Date CapturedFriday April 22 2011, 5:06 PM
Data Quality Campaign - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides federal support to states to further build and promote the use of statewide longitudinal data systems. This document includes: 1. ARRA Overview and Data Systems; a. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; b. America COMPETES Act; 2. State Stabilization Funds and Assurances 3. Institute of Education Sciences State Longitudinal Data Systems Grants: a. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – IES Funding; 4. U.S. Department of Education Guidance on Implementation of ARRA : a. Fact sheet: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Saving and Creating Jobs and Reforming Education; b. Letter to Governors from Secretary of Education Arne Duncan c. Implementing the American Recovery Act – Letter from Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
U.S. Department of Education (USED) Safeguarding Student Privacy 
Date CapturedFriday April 08 2011, 6:38 PM
The use of data is vital to ensuring the best education for our children.  However, the benefits of using  student data must always be balanced with the need to protect students’ privacy rights.  Students and their  parents should expect that their personal information is safe, properly collected and maintained and that it is  used only for appropriate purposes and not improperly redisclosed.  It is imperative to protect students’  privacy to avoid discrimination, identity theft or other malicious and damaging criminal acts.  All education  data holders must act responsibly and be held accountable for safeguarding students’ personally identifiable  information – from practitioners of early learning to those developing systems across the education  continuum (P-20) and from schools to their contractors.  The need for articulated privacy protections and  data security continues to grow as Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) are built and more education  records are digitized and shared electronically.  As States develop and refine their information management  systems, it is critical that they ensure that student information continues to be protected and that students’  personally identifiable information is disclosed only for authorized purposes and under the circumstances  permitted by law.  All P-20 stakeholders should be involved in the development of these statewide systems  and protection policies.    
P-20 Data System with Instructional Reporting
Date CapturedThursday March 10 2011, 9:18 PM
2010 SLDS P-20 Best Practice Conference - Summary: The Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program (SLDS) hosted the 2010 SLDS P-20 Best Practice Conference on November 16–17, 2010, in Washington, DC. The meeting served as a forum for dialogue, collaboration, and the sharing of best practices, providing the opportunity for more than 150 representatives from forty-nine states and the District of Columbia. FY 2006, FY 2007, FY 2009, and FY 2009 ARRA grantee states shared solutions and ideas with one another and took home information on topics identified as critical to their projects in the upcoming year.
Data Quality Campaign Release of Data for Action 2010: DQC's State Analysis
Date CapturedMonday March 07 2011, 6:15 PM
On February 16, 2011 DQC discussed the results of its sixth annual state analysis Data for Action 2010, a powerful policymaking tool to drive education leaders to use data in decision making. Data for Action is a series of analyses on states’ ability to collect and use data to improve student success. It provides transparency about state progress and priority actions they need to take to collect and use longitudinal data to improve student success.
Student Transience in North Carolina: The Effect of School Mobility on Student Outcomes Using Longitudinal Data
Date CapturedSunday February 20 2011, 10:22 PM
*Zeyu Xu, Jane Hannaway, Stephanie D’Souza ; CALDER and The Urban Institute [“Strategic” school moves (cross-district) benefitted or had no effect on student performance, but “reactive” moves (within district) hurt all groups of students. ]
NCES 2011-602 Data Stewardship: Managing Personally Identifiable Information in Electronic Student Education Records
Date CapturedTuesday January 04 2011, 9:55 PM
SLDS Technical Brief - Guidance for Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) [A privacy and data protection program for student education records must include an array of rules and procedures for protecting PII held in the record system. It also must include a full set of public disclosures of the existence and uses of the information included in the data system, a description of all parents’ or eligible students’ rights to review and appeal the contents of an individual education record and of their rights and the procedures to appeal a violation. ]*****[A school directory may include PII such as a student’s name, grade level, and contact information. Taken by itself, the release of this information is not harmful to a student. However, when combined with the student’s Social Security Number or another identifier and the student’s education record, this information has the potential for violating a student’s right to privacy. The release of this combined record could lead to harm or embarrassment. Thus, the privacy and data protection program should focus on PII that will be maintained in the electronic student record system with its likely wealth of student data.2}
Education and Workforce Data Connections: A Primer on States’ Status
Date CapturedWednesday April 14 2010, 6:16 PM
Data Quality Campaign - [States are currently working to connect education and workforce data, however, states are far from reaching the goal of having data systems that can link across the P-20/Workforce spectrum. To connect these education and workforce databases, states should engage a broad range of stakeholders to: 1. Prioritize, through broad-based stakeholder input, the critical policy questions to drive the development and use of longitudinal data systems. 2. Ensure data systems are interoperable within and across agencies and states by adopting or developing common data standards, definitions and language. 3. Protect personally identifiable information through governance policies and practices that promote the security of the information while allowing appropriate data access and sharing.]
Clash Over Student Privacy
Date CapturedTuesday March 09 2010, 5:05 PM
This document should not be shared due to copyright. Inside Higher Ed - [WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Education Department has fired the top federal official charged with protecting student privacy, in what the dismissed official says was a conflict with the agency's political leaders over their zeal to encourage the collection of data about students' academic performance. Paul Gammill says he was physically escorted out of the department's offices on a Friday morning last month after he refused to resign as director of the agency's Family Policy Compliance Office. Administration officials said that "[p]rivacy laws require us to keep certain employment matters confidential, so we cannot comment on Mr. Gammill. But Gammill, not so encumbered, maintains that he was dismissed because, on several occasions, he argued in internal meetings and documents that the department's approach to prodding states to expand their longitudinal student data systems violated the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of students' educational records.]
Creating Critical Linkages between Education and Other Vital Services to Improve Child Welfare
Date CapturedTuesday August 21 2007, 6:59 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 11 am-1 pm (EDT) **Join us in person or via an interactive webcast** As part of the Data Quality Campaign's goal to provide a national forum for conversations about the power of longitudinal data, this Quarterly Issue Meeting will focus on states and communities that are building bridges between longitudinal education data systems and other public systems that track child outcomes, including not only a student's academic performance but also the child's overall quality of being. Featured presenters will include: Jay Pfeiffer, Florida Department of Education; Michelle Lustig, San Diego County Office of Education; Amanda Singer, Utah Department of Human Services.
Date CapturedMonday May 14 2007, 5:39 PM
This issue brief was written by the managing partners of the Data Quality Campaign and based on the legal analysis by Steve Winnick, Scott Palmer and Art Coleman of Holland & Knight LLP. This issue analysis may serve as a guide to assist states as they build and use state longitudinal data systems in ways that comply with FERPA and fully protect the privacy rights of students and their parents.
Timing and Duration of Student Participation in Special Education in the Primary Grades
Date CapturedWednesday March 21 2007, 9:19 PM
Emily W. Holt, Daniel J. McGrath, and William L. Herring. This Issue Brief reports the timing of entry into special education and the number of grades in which students receive special education across the primary grades. About 12 percent of students receive special education in at least one of the grades: kindergarten, first, and third grade, including 16 percent of boys, 8 percent of girls, 18 percent of poor children, and 10 percent of nonpoor children. One in three students who receive special education in early grades, first receive special education in kindergarten. Half of those who begin special education in kindergarten are no longer receiving special education by third grade. In addition to students’ gender and poverty status, results are presented separately for other student and school characteristics, including race/ethnicity and school control, urbanicity, region, and poverty concentration. Data for this brief come from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K).
Reinterpreting the Development of Reading Skills
Date CapturedMonday March 05 2007, 3:25 PM
"Theories about reading have neglected basic differences in the developmental trajectories of skills related to reading. This essay proposes that some reading skills, such as learning the letters of the alphabet, are constrained to small sets of knowledge that are mastered in relatively brief periods of development. In contrast, other skills, such as vocabulary, are unconstrained by the knowledge to be acquired or the duration of learning. The conceptual, developmental, and methodological constraints on different reading skills are described in this essay that identifies various types of constraints on reading constructs and measures. Examples of reading research and assessment are discussed to illustrate (a) how the constraints can help to explain transitory correlational patterns among reading data, (b) how proxy effects surrounding constrained skills influence interpretations of reading development, (c) how prescriptions to teach constrained skills are causal misinterpretations of longitudinal correlations, and (d) why interventions on constrained skills usually lead only to temporary gains on skills aligned with the constrained skill." Paris, S.G. (2005, April/May/June). Reinterpreting the Development of Reading Skills. Reading Research Quarterly, 40(2), 184–202. doi: 10.1598/RRQ.40.2.3
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) launches survey because “School Libraries Count!”
Date CapturedSunday January 14 2007, 3:21 PM
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is launching a longitudinal survey of school library media programs at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle. The “School Libraries Count!” survey will open on January 18, 2007, and will gather data on changes in the field to gain understanding of the state of school library media programs nationally. “The survey is one of the special projects AASL is undertaking as a result of its new strategic plan,” said AASL President Cyndi Phillip. “In 2006, the AASL Board of Directors approved a proposal that AASL conduct its own annual national sample survey of school library media programs to gain a better understanding of the field and trends for the future. We are asking for support from the AASL Board, committees, AASL affiliates and members to spread the word and get extensive and varied data for the survey.”
Teacher Qualifications, Instructional Practices, and Reading and Mathematics Gains of Kindergartners
Date CapturedWednesday March 29 2006, 11:23 AM
This Research and Development (R&D) report uses data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) to explore relationships between kindergarten teachers' reports of their qualifications and instructional practices and direct assessments of children's reading and mathematics achievement during the kindergarten year. Spending more time on subject and working within a full-day kindergarten structure were found to be associated with relatively large gains in achievement.

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