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The Importance of Disaggregating Student Data
Date CapturedSaturday November 08 2014, 8:26 AM
Common characteristics used to disaggregate data include (Boeke, 2012): Race/ethnicity (country of origin); Generation status (i.e. first, second, etc. generation or recently arrived); Immigrant/ refugee status (refugee status often means people are eligible for certain services) ;Age group; Gender; Grade; Geographic (within a state there is often enough data to compare school district data versus a state comparison to a national average); Sexual orientation; Free or reduced lunch status (as a SES indicator); Insurance status
M-03-22, OMB Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002
Date CapturedTuesday March 15 2011, 10:00 PM
A. Definitions; Information in identifiable form- is information in an IT system or online collection: (i) that directly identifies an individual (e.g., name, address, social security number or other identifying number or code, telephone number, email address, etc.) or (ii) by which an agency intends to identify specific individuals in conjunction with other data elements, i.e., indirect identification. (These data elements may include a combination of gender, race, birth date, geographic indicator, and other descriptors).2Information in identifiable form is defined in section 208(d) of the Act as "any representation of information that permits the identity of an individual to whom the information applies to be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means." Information "permitting the physical or online contacting of a specific individual" (see section 208(b)(1)(A)(ii)(II)) is the same as "information in identifiable form."
American Student List (ASL)
Date CapturedMonday March 07 2011, 5:39 PM
Student data for sale ONLINE. College Bound High School Students - Over 3 million high school juniors and seniors who have indicated an interest in higher education. Selectable by class year, age, head of household, income, geography and more; Teenage Lifestyle Interests - 5 million individuals ages 14-19. Selectable by self-reported interests in specific areas including sports, scholastic activities, careers, computers and more; College Students - Approximately 5 million students attending numerous colleges and universities. Home and/or school addresses and phone numbers are available. Selectable by class year, field of study, college attended, tuition level, competitive rank and more; College Grads And Alumni - Approximately 17 million College Grads/Alumni. Selectable by school last attended, household income, home ownership and more; Families With Children - 20 million households with the presence of children, tweens and teens (newborn through age 19). Selectable by head of household, income, gender, ethnicity, geography and more. Ethnic Lists - Over 3 million Ethnic Teens, 4.5 million Ethnic Families and 15 million Ethnic Young Adults. Numerous backgrounds are available including Hispanic/Latino, Asian-American, Native-American, African-American and more. Also available — Foreign-Speaking Teens — first- or second-generation teens who speak the language of their ethnic group.
New digital signs target people by age and gender
Date CapturedSunday March 07 2010, 6:26 PM writes ["The vast majority of people walking in stores, near elevators and in other public and private spaces have no idea that the innocent-looking flat screen TVs playing videos may be capturing their images and then dissecting and analyzing them for marketing purposes," the nonprofit, Southern California-based World Privacy Forum warned in a report it issued on digital signs in January. "Controls need to be put in place now, before this technology runs amok."]
New digital signs target people by age and gender
Date CapturedSunday March 07 2010, 6:26 PM writes ["The vast majority of people walking in stores, near elevators and in other public and private spaces have no idea that the innocent-looking flat screen TVs playing videos may be capturing their images and then dissecting and analyzing them for marketing purposes," the nonprofit, Southern California-based World Privacy Forum warned in a report it issued on digital signs in January. "Controls need to be put in place now, before this technology runs amok."]
Starting crime fight early
Date CapturedWednesday August 15 2007, 7:19 AM
Times Union reports, "Fight Crime: Invest in Kids New York, which includes police, prosecutors and crime survivors, wants districts to tap into $146 million set aside in the state budget for pre-kindergarten programs. The group said high-quality pre-K, for children around age 4, not only prepares the boys and girls for years of schooling, but also deters them becoming criminals. At-risk youth are five times more likely to become chronic lawbreakers when excluded from pre-kindergarten, they also were more than twice as likely to become career criminals -- with 10 arrests or more -- by age 40, statistics cited by Fight Crime show. The data are from a long-term study performed at the Perry Pre-School Program in Michigan."
Neighborhoods' Effect On Grades Challenged -- Moving Students Out of Poor Inner Cities Yields Little, Studies of HUD Vouchers Say
Date CapturedTuesday August 14 2007, 9:54 AM
Washington Post Jay Mathews reports, "Researchers examining what happened to 4,248 families that were randomly given or denied federal housing vouchers to move out of their high-poverty neighborhoods found no significant difference about seven years later between the achievement of children who moved to more middle-class neighborhoods and those who didn't. Although some children had more stable lives and better academic results after the moves, the researchers said, on average there was no improvement. Boys and brighter students appeared to have more behavioral problems in their new schools, the studies found."
NCAA panel wants to inform pregnant athletes about rights
Date CapturedSunday August 05 2007, 5:33 PM
AP reports, "The NCAA should focus on educating schools and pregnant athletes receiving scholarships about their rights, not create new rules, the outgoing head of the NCAA’s Committee on Women’s Athletics said. The committee was asked by NCAA head Myles Brand to discuss the issue after athletes at Clemson and Memphis said they had to sign documents stating they could lose their scholarships if they became pregnant. One Clemson athlete told ESPN she had an abortion to stay in school."
Demographic and School Characteristics of Students Receiving Special Education in the Elementary Grades
Date CapturedFriday July 27 2007, 9:48 AM
Findings from the analysis indicate that for the cohort of students beginning kindergarten in 1998, specific learning disabilities and speech or language impairments were the most prevalent primary disabilities over the grades studied. The percentage of the student cohort receiving special education grew from 4.1 percent in kindergarten to 11.9 percent of students in fifth grade. The results also indicate that higher percentages of boys than girls and of poor students than nonpoor students received special education.
Girls charter school awaits an OK
Date CapturedThursday July 19 2007, 8:30 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "Previously, New York had reached its limit of 100 charter schools statewide. But state legislation that took effect July 1 authorizes an additional 100 charter schools — 50 to be approved by the SUNY panel and 50 to be approved by the state Education Department."
Get back to basics in city schools
Date CapturedWednesday July 11 2007, 7:38 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Guest essayist Rev. Tommy Davis opines, "If we are to reform our schools, we must return to a method that applies academic truths through direct instruction and clear standards of excellence (high expectations) irrespective of race, gender or background."
White Plains defends using race in school choice program
Date CapturedMonday July 02 2007, 8:59 AM
THE JOURNAL NEWS reports, "To assign students, officials consider race, ethnicity, gender, whether any siblings attend the school and whether space is available. Lotteries are held when the demand is too great at one school or for blacks, whites or Hispanics when one or more of the groups are underrepresented at a particular school. White Plains officials contend that's a different situation than in Louisville, where the mother of a student sued after her son was denied a transfer because his school needed to maintain its level of white students to meet the district's guidelines. In Seattle, parents filed suit when minority students were chosen over whites to attend a high school to maintain its racial balance. Because race is just one of several factors used to assign students, Connors said the district should not be affected by the court's narrow ruling."
Harpursville schools cleared of discrimination charges
Date CapturedWednesday June 06 2007, 9:24 AM
Press & Sun-Bulletin reports, "The Harpursville Central School District has been cleared of charges that it discriminated against its female athletes. In a decision dated June 1, the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights concluded there is insufficient evidence to support any of the three allegations filed against the rural Broome County district."
The Virtual Y: A Ray of Sunshine for Urban Public Elementary School Children
Date CapturedMonday May 14 2007, 2:51 PM
(See page 30 of document for chart of factors impacting attendance). The National Center for Schools and Communities at Fordham University report presenting the results of seven years of evaluation for the YMCA of Greater New York’s Virtual Y after school program finding, "Third and fourth grade Virtual Y participants outperformed the comparison group in school attendance. We controlled for students’ gender, race, age, and prior school attendance in our analyses. • The average school attendance of third grade children (94.4 percent) and fourth grade children (94.9 percent) participating in the Virtual Y exceeded the average attendance of children in the comparison group (93.9 percent and 94.2 percent respectively) taking into account initial differences in student attendance and demographic background. • The difference between the mean school attendance of second grade Virtual Y students (93.7 percent) and comparison group students (93.4 percent) was positive but not significant.
Re-Engaging Youth in School: Evaluation of the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Project
Date CapturedSaturday May 12 2007, 5:46 PM
National Center for School Engagement, August 10, 2006. "The following data reflect all seven demonstration sites in the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Truancy Prevention project. These sites are located in Suffolk County, New York; Contra Costa, California: Tacoma and Seattle, Washington; Houston, Texas; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Jacksonville, Florida. The purpose of collecting these data was to identify the intervention population and track truant students’ progress. The first set of tables is the aggregate of these seven sites from the projects inception to July 21, 2006. Following these data are the individual site reports. This report includes the following information: • Students Served • Ethnicity of Students • Grades of Students • Age of Students • Gender of Students • IEP status • Discipline Problems • Involvement with Juvenile Justice • Primary Care Giver • Income Eligibility Status • Students who live in home with only one adult • Students who have no working adult in the home • Average Number of children in the home • Unexcused Absences over Time • Excused Absences over Time • Tardies over Time • Days of In-School Suspensions • Days of Out-of-School Suspensions • Overall Academic Performance (over time)" "The overarching goal of truancy prevention is obviously to improve attendance and this effort was successful. In general, while excused daily absences did not change appreciably, unexcused daily absences fell dramatically and tardies declined. Period absences did not change linearly and therefore a meaningful trend isn’t apparent. Of the sites that reported enough update data, the most successful sites were Jacksonville and Honolulu. These sites primarily targeted parents because the target student population were elementary students. All sites had less information for students across time. One reason for this may be that students who no longer needed intervention were no longer tracked. Thus, reported improvements may actually be smaller than what actually occurred." " In general, the elementary-level truancy issues may be easier to deal with because the children are not 'deep-end' yet and the parents are the primary focus. Older truants are likely to have more challenges and thus may require more intensive services."
Date CapturedThursday April 26 2007, 8:42 AM
NY Post KENNETH LOVETT in Albany and BILL SANDERSON and DAVID SEIFMAN in New York City report, "The new numbers also show that just 19 percent of students with disabilities in New York City graduate in four years compared to a 37 percent statewide average, and that English-language learners have actually seen their on-time graduation rates drop in the last three years, to 27 percent statewide and 22 percent in the city. Also, there is a significant gender gap, with 56 percent of female students and just 43 percent of male students in New York City graduating on time."
Timing and Duration of Student Participation in Special Education in the Primary Grades
Date CapturedWednesday March 21 2007, 9:19 PM
Emily W. Holt, Daniel J. McGrath, and William L. Herring. This Issue Brief reports the timing of entry into special education and the number of grades in which students receive special education across the primary grades. About 12 percent of students receive special education in at least one of the grades: kindergarten, first, and third grade, including 16 percent of boys, 8 percent of girls, 18 percent of poor children, and 10 percent of nonpoor children. One in three students who receive special education in early grades, first receive special education in kindergarten. Half of those who begin special education in kindergarten are no longer receiving special education by third grade. In addition to students’ gender and poverty status, results are presented separately for other student and school characteristics, including race/ethnicity and school control, urbanicity, region, and poverty concentration. Data for this brief come from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K).
Big brother is looming; $80M computer to track kids and educators in detail
Date CapturedTuesday March 06 2007, 7:18 AM
NY Daily News Erin Einhorn reports, "The system will combine existing data on kids - from a child's gender and race to whether he or she needs special education services to the name of his or her third-grade teacher - with new data to be generated from annual state exams and interim tests given to kids every four to six weeks. The interim tests measure whether kids havemastered specific skills, such as multiplying fractions or distinguishing fact from opinion, at different times of the year. Teachers will be able to see an entire classroom of results at once. Principals will be able to see an entire school. Parents eventually will have access to their own kids' data plus summary facts about their child's school, the results of parent, student and teacher surveys and details about how their school scored on annual reviews."
Cheerleading battle on hold
Date CapturedSaturday March 03 2007, 8:59 AM
Star-Gazette reports, "By the next school year, the district needs to provide the Office for Civil Rights with this information: •The process for application and selection for membership. •The purpose for the group's participation at athletic events. •The names of the groups' advisers. •Each group's budget for the next year. •Names of all members. •A list of events at which each group is scheduled to participate during the 2007-08 school year. •A description of how it was determined which group would participate at which events. By the end of the 2007-08 and 2008-09 school years, the district must provide the federal agency with the dates of events at which each support group participated during the year.z'
America’s High School Graduates: Results from the 2005 NAEP High School Transcript Study
Date CapturedFriday February 23 2007, 8:54 AM
NCES: Among those who took higher level mathematics and science courses, male graduates had higher NAEP scores than female graduates. Increased percentages of White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander graduates completed at least a midlevel curriculum in 2005 compared with 1990. The GPAs of all four racial/ethnic groups also increased during this time. In 2005, both Black and Hispanic graduates were less likely than White graduates to have completed calculus or advanced science courses and to have higher GPAs.
School to Offer Classical Education Program to Girls
Date CapturedSunday January 14 2007, 7:25 AM
NY Times reports, "The Montfort Academy, a Catholic high school for boys in Katonah, opened in 2002 with the goal of offering what it calls a classical education and, as it says on its Web site, 'Forming Men for All Seasons.' But in September, the school — which last year graduated its first full class of boys — will start a similar, but separate, program for girls. The girls’ program will start the way the boys’ did, with a ninth-grade class and adding a ninth grade each year as the other classes move up."
Cheerleaders at Monroe County school girls' games: Hurrah
Date CapturedFriday January 05 2007, 6:32 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle contributor Lynda McGarry writes, "The promotion and publicity issue addresses inequities found in the treatment of girls' teams by booster clubs. The decision doesn't affect cheerleaders at football games, which the Office of Civil Rights recognized was a unique sport with no counterpart for girls. It is a shame that it has taken 20 years for schools to figure out that they were not in compliance with this aspect of Title IX."
Male practice players help women's teams
Date CapturedWednesday January 03 2007, 9:21 AM
Buffalo News reports, "For the most part, male practice players serve as the scout team. They learn and run the opposing team's plays on offense and defense, so that the women's team can practice against them. This, the NCAA says, is a violation of Title IX. Using male practice players, the anonymous CWA said in a statement, takes away opportunities from female players. 'Any inclusion of male practice players results in diminished participation opportunities for female student-athletes, contrary to the association's principles of gender equity, nondiscrimination, competitive equity and student-athlete well-being,' the group said in a written statement."
NCAA gives new meaning to gender-bias
Date CapturedSunday December 31 2006, 9:12 AM
Sierra Times Diane M. Grassi writes, "Women’s sports will continue to thrive because of the attention paid and insight given by men in collaboration with women. Gender equity will not evolve without the support of men. Its intent was not to bar men. Its intent was to help women succeed. And unless the NCAA realizes that, Title IX will not fulfill its intended purpose."
Title IX watch over at Portsmouth Rhode Island school
Date CapturedFriday December 29 2006, 11:28 PM
Newport Daily News reports, "Portsmouth High School's new gym and renovated locker rooms provide equal facilities for girls and boys, according to a recent letter from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights that ends a three-year dispute over gender equity at the school."
Gender pay gap no longer narrowing
Date CapturedTuesday December 26 2006, 11:00 AM
NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE reports, "Last year, college-educated women between 36 and 45 years old, for example, earned 74.7 cents for every dollar that men in the same group did, according to Labor Department data analyzed by the Economic Policy Institute. A decade earlier, the women earned 75.7 cents."
Facing $3M in penalties, New Jersey schools send student data
Date CapturedWednesday December 20 2006, 5:27 PM
Independent Press reports, "The student information, which is required from all school districts, will allow the state to assign each student an identification number to track the academic performance of individual students as they progress through the public school system. In the past, the state could track only the performance of groups of children, and could compare only how different classes of children performed as they took the same standardized tests at each grade level. The data required by the state ranges from routine directory information, such as a student's name, gender, grade level and school assignment, to more sensitive information such as ethnicity, place of birth, special education requirements and any disciplinary history. Additional information requested on a voluntary basis includes each student's insurance provider and date of last medical exam."
Baltimore school board approves creation of 6 charter schools
Date CapturedWednesday December 13 2006, 8:28 AM
Baltimore Sun reports, "The new charters will be preparing to open amid an environment of uncertainty about how they will be funded. The city school board is appealing a ruling by the state Court of Appeals that school systems must give their charter schools the same funding as other schools. The city spends the equivalent of about $11,000 per child in its regular public schools. Charter schools receive $5,859 per child in cash and the rest in services that the school system provides, such as special education and food. Many of the schools want the $11,000 in cash."
What helps kids learn?
Date CapturedTuesday December 12 2006, 9:48 AM
The News-Sentinel columnist Kevin Leininger’s writes, "With 77 languages spoken in Fort Wayne schools alone, it’s self-defeating not to acknowledge that while diversity can be an asset, it can also complicate the educational process. Segregating students into more easily taught homogeneous groups isn’t necessarily the answer. But with $8.6 million of last year’s FWCS budget of $181 million dedicated to achieving racial balance – and with the U.S. Supreme Court reviewing race-based admission policies in Seattle and Louisville – we should at least be willing to discuss whether the quality of education has been helped or hindered by the social expectations heaped upon our schools."
Treat athletes equally
Date CapturedSaturday December 02 2006, 8:32 AM
Monica Silas, in a Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin letter to the editor writes, "Title IX is about equity under the law and empowerment of our young female athletes. It is not about cheerleading."
Toss single-sex classrooms in the dustbin of history
Date CapturedFriday December 01 2006, 8:36 AM
Star-Telegram Bob Ray Sanders writes, "The relaxing of federal Title IX rules, which require equal education for boys and girls, will permit districts to develop more single-sex programs. What seems inherent in all of them is smaller schools and classes where more individual attention is given to students' needs."
Schools consider same sex classrooms
Date CapturedFriday December 01 2006, 7:22 AM
Capital News 9 reports, "Brighter Choice Charter School is unique, in that it's one of the few public schools in Albany that offer single sex classroom settings. And now all public schools have the option to do the same. Brighter Choice Principal Melissa Jarvis-Cedno said, 'Its essential that parents have options that have not been traditionally afforded to them. If you look in the Capital Region, we have so many single sex schools, but they're for people who can afford that. So its crucial that public education allows parents to have equal opportunities for the children to enjoy single sex education.'"
Montana school officials defend new student ID numbers
Date CapturedWednesday November 29 2006, 9:22 AM
Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports, "Every [Montana] student will get a unique nine-digit number, so that their achievement on statewide reading and math tests can be tracked, and those results can be broken down by gender, race or ethnicity, and whether the student is low-income and qualifies for free and reduced-cost lunches. Special education, limited English and migrant status will also be recorded. That should make it easier for OPI to report on students' progress, information sought both by the Montana Legislature and by the federal government, under the No Child Left Behind Act. Quinlan said it should help schools figure out, for example, if a new reading program is working, how well low-income American Indian fourth-graders are performing, and better track graduation and dropout rates. School officials are still subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of student records, Quinlan said."
Birmingham coach, board of education settle discrimination case
Date CapturedWednesday November 29 2006, 8:21 AM
AP reports, "The settlement caps a long-running case that began in 2001 and gained national attention last year when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Title IX protections cover people who complain of gender discrimination on behalf of themselves or others."
Gender-split classes draw raves at area middle school
Date CapturedTuesday November 28 2006, 8:23 AM
Journal Gazette reports, "Students in gender-divided classes at Riverview Middle School are more disciplined, have better attendance and are getting better grades, according to the teachers leading those classes."
Board to consider adding 'sexual orientation' to Waterloo Schools policies
Date CapturedSunday November 26 2006, 9:53 AM
The Courier reports, "State officials cited 'major incidents of our students being harassed' because of homosexual orientation, Jones wrote. They believe including the group in the protected list 'will help reduce the harassment ... and keep our district from legal litigation.'"
Ohio districts experiment with single-gender public schools
Date CapturedFriday November 24 2006, 9:41 AM
Lancaster Eagle Gazette reports, "Some proponents of single-sex schools say they minimize distractions, help students focus on academics and encourage students to be less self-conscious and have higher self-esteem. Others say the two genders learn differently and need gender-specific instruction. Critics compare the trend to the 'separate but equal' segregation-era classrooms."
Educating boys, girls separately can benefit them, whole society
Date CapturedFriday November 24 2006, 6:14 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle contributor Sister Ann Collins, president, Nazareth Schools — The Hall and The Academy writes, "Title IX regulations have always permitted school districts that receive public funds to provide public single-sex elementary and secondary schools under certain circumstances. The new regulations make it easier to offer single-sex classes, activities or schools while ensuring that students of both sexes are treated in a manner that will satisfy Title IX's nondiscrimination requirements. As an educator, I believe single-gender education has its place among the learning options we must offer all families in our community. Although the Title IX changes go into effect today, local public schools reportedly have no plans to make this option available any time soon. For now, students in the Rochester area who wish to choose single-gender education must continue to look to private schools."
Students are benefiting from single-sex classes
Date CapturedThursday November 23 2006, 3:49 PM
Buffalo News contributor B. Jason Brooks , Foundation for Education Reform & Accountability writes, "Thanks to the revised federal regulations, districts now have the green light to embrace this innovative public school reform, which holds great promise."
Puberty education programs can empower girls
Date CapturedSunday November 19 2006, 3:45 AM
Times Union contributor TERI BORDENAVE President/CEO Girls Inc. of the Greater Capital District writes, "Our programs empower through education and motivation and are proven to reduce unsafe sexual behavior, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted teen pregnancies. We encourage all concerned parents to talk with their daughters sooner, rather than after it is too late."
Placing College Graduation Rates in Context: How 4-Year College Graduation Rates Vary With Selectivity and the Size of Low-Income Enrollment
Date CapturedThursday November 16 2006, 5:23 PM
This NCES report shows that graduation rates dropped systematically as the proportion of low-income students increased, even within the same Carnegie classification and selectivity levels. Variations by gender and race/ethnicity also were evident. Women graduated at higher rates than men, and in general, as the proportion of low-income students increased, so did the gap between female and male graduation rates. The gap in graduation rates between White and Black students and between White and Hispanic students, on the other hand, typically narrowed as the as the proportion of low-income students increased. Horn, L. (2006). Placing College Graduation Rates in Context: How 4-Year College Graduation Rates Vary With Selectivity and the Size of Low-Income Enrollment (NCES 2007-161). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
Separation anxiety: Segregating schools by gender is unwise
Date CapturedTuesday November 14 2006, 9:27 AM
The Battalion Online Amanda Kaiser opined, "Proposing use of the education system to experiment with any arrangement not solidly supported by research is a sick and expensive joke, considering the abundance of problems with clear answers that remain unsolved. Changes to Title IX fail to address the real problems in education, and by deepening the divisions by which groups are segregated, these changes open the door for inequality. Lawmakers and educators should be striving for a system with fewer arbitrary divisions where students have equal opportunity to learn together."
Plan separates boys and girls
Date CapturedMonday November 13 2006, 9:20 AM
Herald Tribune reports, "Until recently, federal Title IX regulations were unclear on whether public schools could legally separate the sexes. In 1995, just three U.S. public schools had single-sex classrooms, according to the National Association for Single Sex Public Education. But in the past few years, the federal government has been moving to clarify the rules and is actually now calling for schools to research the effects of single-sex classrooms. Today, there are about 250 public schools with single-sex classrooms -- including seven in Florida."
'Guinea Pig' Kids Stir Furor
Date CapturedMonday November 13 2006, 4:49 AM
NY Post CARL CAMPANILE reports, "City [New York City] education officials last year quietly approved more than 50 research projects related to health, psychology, race, ethnicity, gender and religion - mostly on kids in the poorest neighborhoods, a Post investigation has found. Nearly 200 studies - some of them financed by multimillion-dollar grants - were OK'd. All of the studies were conducted with parental consent. But as an incentive, parents and kids often were compensated. The city allows 'modest cash payments' to parents and teachers and gift certificates for kids, education officials said."
Title IX Reform Takes Center Court
Date CapturedSaturday November 11 2006, 9:11 AM
U.S.News & World Report reports, "If the department rewrites Title IX rules on athletics, it will be only the latest concern for women's groups, which cried foul last month when Spellings announced new rules that open up the possibility of single-sex education in public schools. To Jocelyn Samuels of the National Women's Law Center, the new regulations add up to an 'under-the-radar attempt to gut Title IX standards.' She has vowed to bring legal challenges against public schools that enact single-sex reform. If athletic regulations came next, she said, 'all options would be on the table.'"
Affirmative action is essential to education; end its erosion
Date CapturedThursday November 09 2006, 6:25 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle contributor Daan Braveman, president, Nazareth College writes, "Affirmative action is again under attack, this time in Michigan. Voters there approved a proposal banning affirmative action programs that give preferential treatment based on race, gender, color, ethnicity or national origin for public employment, education or contracting purposes. Michigan joins Washington and California in banning the use of affirmative action programs. Such success in Michigan is likely to spark similar efforts in other areas of the country."
Separating the Sexes
Date CapturedMonday November 06 2006, 7:18 AM
The UCSD Guardian reports, "The new regulations are such that one sex can have its own school, as long as there is a 'substantially equal' co-ed equivalent. This means it is acceptable for an all-boy school to be started - without an all-girl school - so long as there is a co-ed school in the area. This raises many questions about equality of opportunities for the genders. In theory the rules are designed to adhere to Title IX, but in practice this design seems a little too similar to 'separate but equal.' History clearly shows that separate almost never guarantees equal."
New York City kids deserve more same-sex schools
Date CapturedSunday November 05 2006, 7:05 AM
NY Daily News contributors Joel Klein (NYC schools chancellor) and Dennis Walcott (deputy mayor for Education and Community Development) write, "Creating good educational choices is another powerful reason for supporting single-sex schools. We believe New Yorkers should be able to select from a wide array of high-quality public schools: large high schools and small high schools, schools focused on the performing arts and schools focused on business, charter schools and traditional public schools. Single-sex schools ought to be part of that mix."
Group protests Title IX
Date CapturedFriday November 03 2006, 8:03 AM
Washington Times reports, "About 100 student-athletes rallied in front of the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Education yesterday to demand reforms to Title IX, the oft-debated law that calls for gender-equity in college sports."
ROTC debate heats up at Plattsburgh State
Date CapturedFriday November 03 2006, 7:43 AM
Press-Republican reports, "Those who support establishing a Reserve Officer's Training Corps program at the college largely argued that students should be afforded such a choice, no matter the personal feelings of various faculty members and students. Those against ROTC are largely opposed to forming a partnership with the military that could be construed as supporting America's current foreign policy, especially when it is with an organization they perceive as prejudiced against certain groups and one that trains people to kill."
Parity ordered for STAC cheerleaders
Date CapturedFriday November 03 2006, 6:46 AM
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin reports, "Vestal also was cited for a publication that its booster club produces as an annual fundraiser, Capobianco said. The Vestal booster club sells copies of a yearly program, featuring player rosters, photos and paid advertisements. The Office of Civil Rights determined that the girls' and boys' publications were of unequal quality."
I-A: Move would fix Title IX compliance
Date CapturedThursday November 02 2006, 8:58 AM
College Heights Herald reports, "An Office for Civil Rights audit revealed that Western is spending too much athletic aid on female athletes. Administrators said the problem stems from having more male athletes than female athletes who don't receive financial aid."
Oneonta HS cheerleaders to be at girls, boys games
Date CapturedThursday November 02 2006, 7:58 AM
The Daily Star reports, "The cheerleaders will be cheering at the boys basketball seven homes games as well as seven girls basketball games. The action comes as a result of an Office of Civil Rights complaint made by a parent in the Binghamton area earlier this summer."
Scores of Men and Women Athletes from Eliminated Teams Join Together for Largest Title IX Reform Rally
Date CapturedThursday November 02 2006, 7:06 AM
National Review Online reports, "Scores of student-athletes that have recently lost their teams because of Title IX enforcement will be holding a rally and press conference in front of the Department of Education on Thursday, November 2 to demand immediate reforms to save college sports. In what will be the largest protest ever for Title IX reform, athletes from dozens of sports and a host of schools will be speaking out, supported by coaches, parents and advocacy groups."
Panel to discuss equality in sports
Date CapturedWednesday November 01 2006, 7:42 AM
Ithaca Journal reports, "Experts from across the country will gather Thursday [Nov. 2] at Ithaca College to discuss gender and sexual orientation discrimination in sports."
Professors' association says female faculty continue to face inequality
Date CapturedTuesday October 31 2006, 8:15 AM
The Daily Texan reports, "The American Association of University Professors released a report Thursday condemning the gender inequality faced by women in higher education institutions, especially in doctoral universities. According to the report, female faculty are underrepresented and underpaid compared to their male colleagues."
Are Single-Sex Classrooms Legal?
Date CapturedSunday October 29 2006, 7:46 AM
U.S.News & World Report writes, "But on October 24, the Department of Education announced new Title IX regulations based on the guidelines of a No Child Left Behind amendment. Old regulations allowed for same-gender classes only in rare cases like physical education and human sexuality classes. But lawmakers in 2001 wanted to make those rules more flexible, and so the new ones expand that option to any class or school that can prove gender separation leads to improved student achievement. The change could lead to a wave of single-sex classrooms and even schools in public systems across the country. But it will also likely lead to legal challenges."
Title IX enforcement hits James Madison hard
Date CapturedSunday October 29 2006, 7:25 AM
The Washington Times reports, "There is no dispute Title IX has closed large gender gaps for women in academics. According to one study, 9 percent of medical degrees in 1972 were earned by women and 38 percent in 1994. With law degrees, the numbers went from 7 percent to 43 percent. It also can be said that Title IX has caused the most turmoil in athletics -- college, high school, secondary and elementary education. Title IX requires proportional participation opportunities. The percentage of female athletes in the athletic program needs to match the percentage of women in a school's student body. The only defense to failing to have the mandated number of participants is for a school to demonstrate it is gradually adding women's sports over time to try to expand participation or that it already has accommodated the interest and ability of all women. While enforcement has been getting stricter in the past decade, the fallout from Title IX has become bigger and bigger."
Date CapturedSaturday October 28 2006, 8:16 AM
NY Post David Andreatta writes, "Parents claimed the principal, Olga Livanis, has cut student counseling sessions, single-sex math and science classes and sports programs; failed to supply students with a crossing guard and a nurse; and ignored their complaints. Some suggested Livanis, whose predecessor stood with parents in their loud public fight against the charter school, had a mandate to quash parent involvement."
Atlanta, Georgia schools move to gender divide
Date CapturedFriday October 27 2006, 4:53 PM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, "Atlanta forged ahead before the rules came down from the federal government because officials were confident their schools would pass legal muster, Barnes [Atlanta schools administrator overseeing single-gender schools] said. 'We're being careful in the planning process to make sure both schools provide an equitable education," he said. "We were never concerned that we would face a legal challenge.' Parents who oppose the idea will be offered transfers to other schools. But so far, officials say parents have been overwhelmingly supportive, saying they think their kids will have fewer distractions. The plan has other supporters as well. More than 160 educators have applied for each of the principal positions."
The Promise of Single-Sex Schools
Date CapturedFriday October 27 2006, 8:53 AM
WSJ Opinion Journal writes, "Inspired by evidence that some children learn better in sex-specific classrooms, more than 240 public and charter schools around the country have begun offering single-sex education (although not all provide it for every course). Most significantly, the typical student is from a low-income, minority family. Parents compete fiercely, often by lottery, for the chance to give their kids the kind of learning environment that wealthier parents regularly pay for at all those single-sex private schools."
The coed classroom
Date CapturedThursday October 26 2006, 6:25 AM
Boston Globe contributors Rosalind C. Barnett, senior scientist at the Women's Studies Research Center at Brandeis University and Caryl Rivers, journalism professor at Boston University write, "If some boys in Massachusetts are having trouble with vocabulary, or see literature and learning as 'uncool,' schools need to tackle such problems. Will all-boy classrooms eliminate such attitudes? Not if they operate on the assumption that boys inherently have inferior verbal skills and have to be 'yelled at' to learn. Such classrooms could, in fact, further alienate bright kids from education."
More students in high school sports
Date CapturedWednesday October 25 2006, 6:29 PM
Lebanon Express reports, "In addition to the overall numbers, the girls participation total of 2,953,355 set an all-time record. The boys total also increased, reaching 4,206,549, the highest participation in the past 28 years. This year's boys participation figure is second only to the record 4,367,442 in 1977-78."
California's single-sex experiment short lived
Date CapturedWednesday October 25 2006, 8:18 AM
San Francisco Chronicle reports, "A Ford Foundation study in 2001 concluded that the experiment [$5 million pilot program] had been a failure -- not because single-sex education as a concept was bad, but because the programs were often badly carried out, with teachers poorly trained in gender issues and little state funding. The researchers from Berkeley, San Diego and Toronto concluded that the schools had closed too soon for them to know if girls and boys benefited from the separate classrooms. They did, however, interview more than 300 participants and found that gender stereotypes were often reinforced under California's program."
New rule on gender, education not a big deal in Monroe County
Date CapturedWednesday October 25 2006, 6:37 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "The National Organization of Women says the segregation creates the risk of breeding second-class citizens. The American Association of University Women has said it would 'throw out the most basic legal standards prohibiting sex discrimination in education.' Since 1975, same-sex classes have been allowed in public schools nationwide in limited cases, such as sex-education or gym classes."
Federal Rules Back Single-Sex Public Education
Date CapturedWednesday October 25 2006, 3:16 AM
NY Times DIANA JEAN SCHEMO writes, "To open schools exclusively for boys or girls, a district has until now had to show a 'compelling reason,' for example, that it was acting to remedy past discrimination. But a new attitude began to take hold with the passage of the No Child Left Behind law in 2002 when women senators from both parties came out in support of same-sex education and asked the Education Department to draft guidelines to permit their growth. The new rules, first proposed by the Education Department in 2004, are designed to bring Title IX into conformity with a section of the No Child Left Behind law that called on the department to promote single-sex schools."
Secretary Spellings Announces More Choices in Single Sex Education Amended Regulations Give Communities
Date CapturedTuesday October 24 2006, 10:35 AM
US Department of Education: U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today announced the release of final Title IX single-sex regulations that give communities more flexibility in offering additional choices to parents in the education of their children. Recognizing that some students learn better in a single sex class or school, the regulations give educators more flexibility, under Title IX, to offer single-sex classes, extracurricular activities and schools at the elementary and secondary education levels.
Study Takes a Sharp Look at the City’s Failing Students
Date CapturedSunday October 22 2006, 8:22 AM
NY Times ELISSA GOOTMAN reports, "The study found that students who fall behind in the number of credits they are expected to accumulate have a difficult time getting back on track at traditional high schools. Of the class of 2003’s dropouts, the study found that 93 percent fell behind in their credits at some point, indicating that their chief problem may not be the state requirement that all graduates pass a series of Regents exams. By contrast, only 19 percent of those who graduated had fallen significantly behind in their credits at any point. There are 68,000 students ages 16 to 21 who have dropped out of school, the study found, but there are 70,000 who are still enrolled even though they are behind in their credits. Effectively serving that group, the bulk of whom are 16, 17 and 18, is critical to improving the city’s graduation rate, Ms. Cahill [senior counselor for education policy to Joel I. Klein, the schools chancellor] said."
CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS: Students' diversity outweighs teachers'
Date CapturedSunday October 22 2006, 8:11 AM
Times Herald-Record reports, "The National Education Association reports that 40 percent of the nation's public school children are minorities, but only 11 percent of the teachers are. It also says that 38 percent of America's public schools do not have a single teacher of color on staff. The report contends that students of color tend to perform better — academically, personally and socially — when taught by teachers from their own ethnic group."
Title IX has impact on schools
Date CapturedSaturday October 21 2006, 12:08 AM
HERALD NEWS reports, "In recent years, the federal act has come under fire from critics who claim that creating gender equity comes at the cost of male sports. Last year, groups promoting Title IX were angered when a Title IX commission clarified that schools choosing to demonstrate compliance by proving they were fulfilling the needs and interests of female students could use an e-mail survey to gauge interest."
NAEP State Comparisons
Date CapturedFriday October 20 2006, 2:44 PM
You can create tables that compare states and jurisdictions based on the average scale scores for selected groups of public school students within a single assessment year, or compare the change in performance between two assessment years. For example: See how the average reading score for male students in a particular state compares to the average reading score for male students in other states in 2005, or See how the change (from 2002 to the focal year) in reading scores for male students in a particular state compares to the change in reading scores for male students in other states.
Union College makes SAT history
Date CapturedWednesday October 18 2006, 5:11 AM
Times Union reports, "After years of debate, Union administrators decided such standardized tests were "a prestigious but flawed instruments" with demonstrated biases based on racial, gender, socioeconomic and cultural factors, according to Dan Lundquist, Union's dean of admissions and financial aid. The tipping point for Union's decision to drop the standardized test requirement for admission came amid widely reported SAT scoring errors in the past year and a continued refrain from the anti-test movement."
There is no 'boy crisis'
Date CapturedFriday October 13 2006, 7:36 AM
USA TODAY contributor Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women writes, "One proposed solution has been to segregate boys from girls in school, but not only does that fail to improve performance, it also sends a message that it is difficult for the sexes to work and learn together, and that the best remedy is to give up trying. If we want women and men to compete on a level playing field as adults, they must start in school."
Educators slow to wise up to the gender problem
Date CapturedFriday October 13 2006, 7:35 AM
USA TODAY writes, "In addition to being a matter of fairness, a shift to boy-oriented policies has the potential to produce other gains: Raise parents' and teachers' awareness. Parents with struggling boys often are told not to worry because boys are slow to pick up reading skills and math is their strong point. That conventional wisdom is outdated. Many boys don't catch up in reading, and they don't always do better in math."
Boy trouble
Date CapturedMonday October 02 2006, 5:00 PM
The Boston Globe opined, "Gender-specific academic initiatives can be difficult to square with antidiscrimination laws. Yet public school systems in other states have managed to establish separate courses for boys and girls within a school, provided they do not set up entirely separate institutions. An enterprising school district or charter school could make history here by taking on the boys."
National Science Foundation (NSF) awards $3.3 million grant to Cornell to bolster the percentage of women faculty members
Date CapturedMonday September 25 2006, 8:50 AM
EurekAlert announces, "Cornell is committed to diversity, gender equality and promoting an environment in which all faculty can achieve their potential in research, education and service. The representation of women faculty in the university's science and engineering departments falls too far below the level of female doctorates produced nationally, according to Cornell administrators."
Missouri State, ACLU settle lawsuit over women's tennis
Date CapturedSunday September 24 2006, 9:13 AM
News Tribune reports, "Most schools meet Title IX requirements by demonstrating that the percentages of male and female athletes are substantially proportionate with the percentages of male and female students enrolled. Schools can also demonstrate a history of expanding athletic opportunities for the underrepresented sex or show that athletic programs accommodate the interests and abilities of the underrepresented sex."
North Dakota college board approves gay-inclusive antiharassment policy
Date CapturedFriday September 22 2006, 11:57 PM reports, "North Dakota's board of higher education has ordered the system's colleges to review their antiharassment policies, which must include a ban on harassing someone because of his or her sexual orientation. The sexual orientation provision is not required by federal or state law, said Pat Seaworth, the university system's lawyer."
Single-sex schools more common
Date CapturedWednesday September 20 2006, 9:13 AM
UPI reports, "The U.S. Department of Education is expected to release guidelines soon which could cause those numbers to exploded, reported. Administrators are caught between conflicting laws, the No Child Left Behind Act, which allows single-sex classrooms, and the 1972 law [Title IX] that bans gender discrimination."
Gender No Excuse For Poor Academic Performance
Date CapturedWednesday September 13 2006, 10:47 AM
The Daily Campus Jamie Willie opined, "What it sounds like is professors and researchers are running out of reasons why some students perform better than others. Here's a thought - students learn differently than others. Let individual teachers figure out what needs to be done to get receptive students. It is the teacher's job - isn't it - to make sure that every child's learning needs are attended to. It can be dangerous to generalize too much when dealing with millions of children and the different ways that they learn."
Date CapturedThursday September 07 2006, 6:10 PM
Beginning this fall, test results will be delivered directly to schools in an electronic format, giving authorized school administrators and teachers instant access to data regarding individual student performance, performance by groups of students (including breakdowns by race, ethnicity, disability status, gender, English proficiency, economic status, and migrant status), and overall performance by school and school district. This electronic system will give schools interactive reports on all this information. Parents will receive more detailed printed reports explaining their children’s performance on the tests. The reports will not only give the overall score but will also give a more detailed breakdown of a student’s performance on several indicators of achievement. All individual student information will be protected during every phase of data collection and reporting.
Two Catholic schools open Newburgh
Date CapturedThursday September 07 2006, 6:36 AM
Times Herald reports, "Both schools are organized around the San Miguel Academy model — a type of Catholic school introduced to American inner cities in the 1970s. As Catholic schools around the country have become more expensive, the San Miguel academies are a return to the church's tradition of educating America's immigrants and the poor."
A Not-Quite-New Teacher Starts a New School Year
Date CapturedThursday September 07 2006, 3:34 AM
NY Times reports, "Once the Batavia teacher’s gender identity disorder was diagnosed and she told officials of her intention to continue teaching, the school’s course of action was governed by state law, as well as its own instincts. 'Because it’s a medically diagnosed condition, it fits in as a disability under the New York Human Rights Law,' Mr. Spitz said. 'We have to accommodate the disability and allow the individual to perform the job.'”
South Carolina high school considers single-gender studies
Date CapturedWednesday September 06 2006, 7:57 AM
The Sun reports, "Offering a high school single-gender program is a fair option for students, he [Chadwell, Lead teacher] said. He said it relieves boys and girls of the added pressures that advocates of single-gender education have said come with integrated classrooms. 'Regardless of the grade level [freedom of expression] is a nice feature of being in a single-gender program,' he said."
Workshop on transgender teacher will go online
Date CapturedWednesday August 30 2006, 7:37 AM
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "The meeting with students is the next step for the district, which has already met with parents and trained staff to support a transgendered science teacher who will start the school year as a woman."
Girls top boys nationwide on SAT writing exam
Date CapturedWednesday August 30 2006, 7:27 AM
AP reports, "Girls nationwide surpassed boys' scores on the new writing portion of the SAT exam. The Class of 2006 results, released yesterday, show girls across the country did 11 points better than males in writing. But males can take some solace in the remaining two categories on the SAT. In critical reading and math, boys still performed better than girls — again on a nationwide basis."
The Why Chromosome: How a Teacher's Gender Affects Boys and Girls
Date CapturedTuesday August 29 2006, 9:34 AM
Thomas Dee, associate professor in the Department of Economics at Swarthmore College and a faculty research fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research writes, "Adverse gender effects have an impact on both boys and girls, but that effect falls more heavily on the male half of the population in middle school, simply because most middleschool teachers are female."
Education by gender
Date CapturedFriday August 25 2006, 8:00 AM
Palladium-Item reports on upcoming release of gender regulations, "Washington deserves some belated credit for getting with it and recognizing that maybe gender-specific education does have a role -- albeit a controlled and monitored role -- in the public schools. Countless parochial schools, including notably Catholic schools, have demonstrated the merit to this approach. Some differences in learning especially at some earlier ages, research shows, can be attributed to gender."
Single-gender classes prove popular in California
Date CapturedThursday August 24 2006, 8:06 PM
The Californian reports, "Critics say there is no clear evidence and that single-gender learning doesn't get students ready for an integrated world. But while eight years ago only four public schools in the United States offered single-gender classes, as of April at least 223 public schools in the country offered some sort of single-gender classes, according to the Maryland-based National Association for Single Sex Public Education."
Single-Sex Versus Coeducation Schooling: A Systematic Review
Date CapturedMonday August 21 2006, 5:07 PM
"This report deals primarily with single-sex education at the elementary and secondary levels. Research in the United States on the question of whether public single-sex education might be beneficial to males, females or a subset of either group (particularly disadvantaged youths) has been limited. However, because there has been a resurgence of single-sex schools in the public sector, it was deemed appropriate to conduct a systematic review of single-sex education research."U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service, Single-Sex Versus Secondary Schooling: A Systematic Review, Washington, D.C., 2005.
The problems with gender separation
Date CapturedMonday August 21 2006, 5:00 PM
Reporter Times reports, "Korth [associate professor at the Indiana University School of Education] said while there is evidence suggesting girls’ brains mature faster than boys’, most of those differences have evened out by the fifth grade. "My personal view is that we still need to figure out, as educators, how to do a good job of teaching boys and girls in the same classroom. ... My ideal image of education does not include separating kids by gender,' she said."
Lack of cheerleaders for girls' sports probed [Binghamton]
Date CapturedSunday August 20 2006, 2:28 PM
AP reports, "Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex discrimination against students, requires equal benefits for girls' and boys' teams, including cheerleader and band support, according to the Women's Sports Foundation, an advocacy group."
Girls' sports hit hard by bias - study
Date CapturedFriday August 18 2006, 8:35 AM
NY Daily News reports on gender inequity in sports, fewer college scholarship scouting opportunities for women, and study findings, "According to Gotbaum (public advocate), girls involved in team sports 'are less likely to develop osteoporosis, breast cancer and diabetes as adults, and more likely to adopt long-term exercise programs.' And they're less likely to use drugs, smoke, have unwanted pregnancies or commit suicide, she added."
Single-sex classes go public
Date CapturedThursday August 17 2006, 8:54 AM
USA Today editorial opined on gender in education, "Successful single-sex schools have everything to do with adjusting to different learning styles — and nothing to do with predators and prey. That's a lesson for educators and the ACLU."
Bad for both boys and girls
Date CapturedThursday August 17 2006, 8:47 AM
USA Today Op-Ed contributors Emily Martin, ACLU Women's Rights Project and Katie Schwartzmann. ACLU of Louisiana opined, "The most reliable evidence available shows that proven approaches to educational reform — such as smaller classes, teachers with decent salaries and parental involvement — make much more sense than separating boys and girls based on outmoded stereotypes."
Gender Gap Worries Connecticut Educators
Date CapturedMonday August 14 2006, 12:17 PM
Hartford Courant reports, "Boys continued to trail girls by substantial margins in reading and writing on the annual Connecticut Mastery Test. The pattern has persisted since Connecticut first started keeping track of scores by gender in 2000, and is consistent with longstanding patterns on national tests."
Popular single-gender classes at Iowa school being scrutinized by state
Date CapturedTuesday August 08 2006, 9:56 PM
The Courier, "A recent report issued by the Iowa Department of Education stated that the single-gender classrooms at the Walter Cunningham School for Excellence are in violation of federal and state civil rights laws that require school boards to take steps to integrate students on the basis of gender."
Louisiana school board drops single sex plan
Date CapturedFriday August 04 2006, 8:41 AM
AP reports, "The movement for single-sex classrooms has grown from four public schools in 1998 to at least 223 this year, according to the National Association for Single Sex Public Education. Single-sex classroom supporters argue that boys and girls learn differently, and separating them can help both do better. Critics compare it to 'separate but equal' segregation-era classrooms."
Girls, women need more PC confidence
Date CapturedTuesday August 01 2006, 10:06 AM
Buffalo News reprints LA Times story on technology and gender, "Hargittai, who studies the social demographics of computer use, discerned a few expected patterns: that younger subjects and more-educated subjects had better online computer skills, and rated themselves as more proficient Internet users, than older ones or those with more limited education. But as she continued to sift her data, Hargittai noticed something she had not set out to find: that although the online skills of men and women were roughly equal, women, as a group, rated their proficiency significantly lower than did men. Men, who as a group were no better at plying the Internet than women, rated their skills, on average, a couple notches above."
Single-sex classes attacked; ACLU challenges Louisiana school’s gender-division plan
Date CapturedTuesday August 01 2006, 9:06 AM
The Advocate reports, "The U.S. Department of Education released guidelines on single-gender education in public schools that outline how to implement such a program. The department is tasked with overseeing the federal education law, which prohibits denying a student access to a program based on gender."
Education Matters: College to Opt for Girls-Only Education
Date CapturedMonday July 31 2006, 9:35 AM
RedOrbit reports, "The new centre is expected to appeal primarily to Asian women who want to broaden their educational horizons but feel uncomfortable learning alongside men."
Women's world? Try colleges; Area schools mirror U.S. trend of males as the student minority.
Date CapturedThursday July 27 2006, 9:17 AM
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "At MCC, women made up 55 percent of the student body in 2004, the most recent year for which federal statistics are available. At the State University College at Geneseo, women accounted for 61 percent. And at Nazareth College and Keuka College, more than 70 percent of the students were women."
The best education may be single-sexed
Date CapturedMonday July 24 2006, 3:13 PM
The News & Advance reports, "A study released just last week from the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research (IUCPR) suggests that students at women’s colleges 'are better served in their educational pursuits than their peers at coeducational institutions.'"
How the Schools Shortchange Boys
Date CapturedSunday July 23 2006, 9:12 PM
City Journal, Gerry Garibaldi writes, "A female teacher, especially if she has no male children of her own, I’ve noticed, will tend to view boys’ penchant for challenging classroom assignments as disruptive, disrespectful—rude."
Men, Women Use Brains Differently
Date CapturedWednesday July 19 2006, 3:30 PM
CBS news reports, "'What we found most compelling was that male and female participants performed equally on tasks, both in terms of accuracy and timing; they just used different parts of their brains to get the tasks done,' researcher Amy Clements of the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, says in a news release."
Why Johnny Can't Read: Schools Favor Girls
Date CapturedWednesday July 19 2006, 3:20 PM reports, "The problem is partly developmental, 'Kleinfeld said. 'Girls mature more quickly than boys,' she said. 'They enter school with bigger vocabularies and better fine motor skills, so it's easier for them to learn to write.'"
Educators' responsibility to put boys on right path
Date CapturedSunday July 16 2006, 8:36 AM
C. Obel-Omia opines in Times Union, "In essence, boys and girls are struggling in our schools, and until we provide the funds and the resources -- well-educated, well-supported, well-motivated educators who feel as if their work is appreciated and valued by our communities -- we shall suffer the consequences."
Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Date CapturedFriday July 14 2006, 6:41 PM
This NCES study compares mean 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading and mathematics scores of public and private schools in 4th and 8th grades, statistically controlling for individual student characteristics (such as gender, race/ethnicity, disability status, identification as an English language learner) and school characteristics (such as school size, location, and the composition of the student body).
Female Advantage Mumbo Jumbo
Date CapturedThursday July 13 2006, 8:52 AM
The Huffington Post. Dr. Kathleen Reardon writes, "College is where the playing field is largely leveled. Success is more predictable than it is in most aspects of life. If you study you can get reasonably good grades."
Fewer men on campus
Date CapturedWednesday July 12 2006, 8:28 AM
USA Today editorial, "The blue-collar jobs that once supported families are drying up, affecting males more than females. So if a focused effort isn't made to address boys' needs, as was done successfully a generation ago for girls, many boys' futures will be grim, and the nation's ability to compete will slide."
Gender gap isn't biggest woe
Date CapturedWednesday July 12 2006, 8:23 AM
USA Today op-ed Sara Mead (see study on Education New York Online), "Instead of focusing on differences between male and female college enrollment, California's educational energies would be better spent making sure students of all genders and races have the education and opportunities they need to realize their potential and contribute to California's economy."
A More Nuanced Look at Men, Women and College
Date CapturedWednesday July 12 2006, 6:55 AM
NY Times registration. Tamar Lewis reports, "The study’s author, Jacqueline King, said the dynamics of college attendance became clearer when she broke students down by age group."
Small Colleges, Short of Men, Embrace Football
Date CapturedMonday July 10 2006, 7:18 AM
NY Times registration. NY Times reports, "Some small American colleges, eager to attract men to increasingly female campuses, have taken notice of how many students like Mr. Bosworth can be lured to attend by adding football teams. Officials at these colleges say football can bring in more tuition-paying students than any other course or activity — and not just players themselves."
Hazing disregards gender lines
Date CapturedSunday July 09 2006, 10:14 AM
Times Union reports, "Though experts say conclusive data about hazing remains scarce, a number of national surveys have offered some insight into how widespread hazing has become."
At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust
Date CapturedSunday July 09 2006, 9:31 AM
NY Times registration required. NY Times reports, "Department of Education statistics show that men, whatever their race or socioeconomic group, are less likely than women to get bachelor's degrees — and among those who do, fewer complete their degrees in four or five years."
The new outlook on America's boy crisis
Date CapturedSaturday July 08 2006, 8:45 AM
Whittier Daily News reports, "In a new study titled "The Truth About Boys and Girls," researcher Sara Mead concludes that the failing-boys mantra was politically motivated hooey advanced by anti-feminist pundits and others who cherry-picked data to advance their own ideological agendas."
Getting real in the classroom
Date CapturedFriday July 07 2006, 9:20 AM
Ellen Goodman in Boston Globe, "The battle of the sexy ideas is a distraction from the struggle for the minds of the younger generation. We need to worry more about children one by one. And less about whether boys are losing their place at the head of the class."
False 'Crisis' of Educating Boys
Date CapturedTuesday July 04 2006, 9:15 AM reports, "Reports of a 'boy crisis' in America's classrooms make for alarming headlines. But a new analysis of long-term trends finds that, at least by national testing standards, boys are doing better than ever by most measures -- if, that is, they are white and privileged."
Gender turf battles: What boy crisis?
Date CapturedMonday July 03 2006, 1:38 PM
International Herald Tribune. The New York Times reports, "It's been muttered for some time now in feminist academic circles that the 'boy crisis' - the near- ubiquitous belief that America's boys are being academically neglected and emotionally persecuted by teachers whose training, style and temperament favor girls - is little more than a myth."
Date CapturedMonday July 03 2006, 8:56 AM
Differences in Actual and Perceived Online Skills: The Role of Gender
Date CapturedSunday July 02 2006, 7:27 PM
Differences in Actual and Perceived Online Skills: The Role of Gender by Eszter Hargittai and Steven Shafer 2006. Social Science Quarterly. 87(2):432-448. June. The literature on gender and technology use finds that women and men differ significantly in their attitudes toward their technological abilities. Concurrently, existing work on science and math abilities of students suggests that such perceived differences do not always translate into actual disparities. There has been little work exploring gender differences with respect to Internet use ability, especially based on a diverse sample of adult users. Researcher uses new data on Web-use skill to test empirically whether there are differences in men's and women's abilities to navigate online content. Findings suggest that men and women do not differ greatly in their online abilities. However, study finds that women's self-assessed skill is significantly lower than that of men. We discuss the implications of these findings for social inequality with respect to Internet use.
Women Underestimate Their Web Savvy
Date CapturedSunday July 02 2006, 7:03 PM
Read referenced study on Education New York Online EDUCATION POLICY page, GENDER folder.
Big test for single-sex public schools
Date CapturedFriday June 30 2006, 9:44 AM
Christian Science Monitor
Panel approves Philadelphia charter school for boys
Date CapturedThursday June 29 2006, 9:15 AM
Title IX and single-sex education
Date CapturedMonday June 26 2006, 3:18 PM
U.S.News & World Report
The Truth About Boys and Girls
Date CapturedMonday June 26 2006, 8:40 AM
By Sara Mead, Education Sector. On many measures American boys are achieving more than ever, but girls have improved their performance even faster. A careful look at the evidence shows the boy crisis hype is overblown and benefits neither boys nor girls.
Boys will be boys: A case for single-gender education
Date CapturedSunday June 25 2006, 9:29 AM
Why single-sex education is not the route to better results
Date CapturedSaturday June 24 2006, 10:25 PM
Single-sex schools 'no benefit for girls'
Date CapturedSaturday June 24 2006, 10:19 PM
Title IX changes could stifle dreams
Date CapturedFriday June 23 2006, 7:55 AM
USA Today
Same-gender classroom project put on hold
Date CapturedTuesday June 20 2006, 9:30 PM
Homework isn't done on single-sex schools
Date CapturedFriday June 16 2006, 9:18 AM
Improving Our Schools
Date CapturedWednesday June 14 2006, 5:22 PM
School bosses scoff at single-gender legislation
Date CapturedWednesday June 14 2006, 9:05 AM
Legislation To Consider All-Boy, All-Girl Public Schools
Date CapturedSunday June 11 2006, 1:47 PM
Thesis contradicts previous research on classroom sexism
Date CapturedWednesday May 31 2006, 8:51 AM
More women graduate. Why?
Date CapturedTuesday May 30 2006, 12:10 AM
Not another class of victims
Date CapturedMonday May 29 2006, 11:57 PM
A weekly guide to higher education
Date CapturedSunday May 21 2006, 10:55 AM
Why do boys trail girls in school?
Date CapturedTuesday May 16 2006, 6:00 PM
Pepperdine Business School Welcomes Mothers
Date CapturedWednesday May 10 2006, 2:47 PM
Science teaching gets weak diversity grade
Date CapturedMonday May 08 2006, 10:39 PM
The Lost Boys of Public Education Schools
Date CapturedSunday May 07 2006, 8:17 AM
More women than men seeking higher education
Date CapturedSunday April 30 2006, 8:28 AM
Single-sex classes: Education’s future?
Date CapturedWednesday April 26 2006, 7:01 AM
As boys slip behind, some feminists reject helping them
Date CapturedMonday April 24 2006, 6:34 AM
Problems plague both sexes
Date CapturedMonday April 24 2006, 6:33 AM
The Final Four (NY Times registration)
Date CapturedSunday April 23 2006, 7:01 AM
New Graduation Rate Report by Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters
Date CapturedWednesday April 19 2006, 9:05 AM
This study uses a widely respected method to calculate public high school graduation rates for the nation, for each state, and for the 100 largest school districts in the United States. This study calculates graduation rates overall, by race, and by gender, using the most recent available data (the class of 2003).
Grading gender gains
Date CapturedSunday April 16 2006, 9:06 AM

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