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Friday January 25 2013, 9:13 AM
NSF Funds Research to Enable Distributed, Fair, and Privacy-Preserving Collaboration
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Saturday September 25 2010, 4:14 PM
Stevens Institute of Technology: [Hoboken, NJ, September 25, 2010 --( Dr. Susanne Wetzel, Associate Professor of Computer Science, has recently been awarded a $457K research grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to investigate privacy and security in the context of enabling collaboration.]
One in four data breaches involves schools
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Thursday March 12 2009, 3:02 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 --Meris Stansbury, Assistant Editor, eSchool News writes - [One in four data breaches involves schools 'You're losing the cyber security battle,' experts warn during a higher-education computer-security conference near Washington, D.C.]
Cisco 2008 Annual Security Report -- Highlighting Global Security Threats and Trends
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Monday December 15 2008, 4:21 PM
[This year's report reveals that online and data security threats continue to increase in number and sophistication. They propagate faster and are more difficult to detect. Key report findings include: Spam accounts for nearly 200 billion messages each day, which is approximately 90 percent of email sent worldwide. The overall number of disclosed vulnerabilities grew by 11.5 percent over 2007. Vulnerabilities in virtualization products tripled to 103 in 2008 from 35 in 2007, as more organizations embraced virtualization technologies to increase cost-efficiency and productivity Over the course of 2008, Cisco saw a 90 percent growth rate in threats originating from legitimate domains; nearly double what the company saw in 2007. Spam due to email reputation hijacking from the top three webmail providers accounted for just under 1 percent of all spam worldwide, but constituted 7.6 percent of all these providers' mail. Fortunately, responses to these threats and trends are improving. Advances in attack response stem from the increased collaboration between vendors and security researchers to review, identify, and combat vulnerabilities.]
When Hackers Attack: Practicing Cybersecurity at Home
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Friday December 12 2008, 2:01 PM
Brian Krebs writes [While Barack Obama has selected key members of his national security team—Defense Secretary, National Security Adviser and Secretary of State—there are calls for the president-elect to make another security appointment. The bipartisan Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency suggests that there is a dire need to create a National Office for Cyberspace to protect our nation’s most sensitive computer networks. The need for national cyberspace security is a no-brainer, but who is going to protect us from the digital devices that organize our lives and leaves personal information vulnerable to theft? Here, a behind-the-scenes look at how hackers are unearthing the private details of our lives by attacking our web browsers, cell phones, and personal electronics.]
Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency
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Monday December 08 2008, 7:24 PM
The report of the CSIS Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency -- Cochairs: Representative James R. Langevin, Representative Michael T. McCaul, Scott Charney, Lt. General Harry Raduege, USAF (Ret). Project Director: James A. Lewis, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC. December - 2008.
Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center
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Wednesday December 03 2008, 7:16 PM
Digital Dashboard
Protecting Individual Privacy in the Struggle Against Terrorists: A Framework for Program Assessment
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Wednesday December 03 2008, 4:02 PM
National Academies Press - [All U.S. agencies with counterterrorism programs that collect or "mine" personal data -- such as phone records or Web sites visited -- should be required to evaluate the programs' effectiveness, lawfulness, and impacts on privacy. A framework is offered that agencies can use to evaluate such information-based programs, both classified and unclassified. The book urges Congress to re-examine existing privacy law to assess how privacy can be protected in current and future programs and recommends that any individuals harmed by violations of privacy be given a meaningful form of redress.]
CYBER ANALYSIS AND WARNING - DHS Faces Challenges in Establishing a Comprehensive National Capability
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Tuesday September 23 2008, 10:15 AM
GAO 08-588: We recommend that the Secretary of Homeland Security take four actions to fully establish a national cyber analysis and warning capability. Specifically, the Secretary should address deficiencies in each of the attributes identified for Recommendations for Executive Action • monitoring, including establish a comprehensive baseline understanding of the nation’s critical information infrastructure and engage appropriate nonfederal stakeholders to support a national-level cyber monitoring capability; • analysis, including expanding its capabilities to investigate incidents; • warning, including ensuring consistent notifications that are targeted, actionable, and timely; and • response, including ensuring that US-CERT provides assistance in the mitigation of and recovery from simultaneous severe incidents, including incidents of national significance. We also recommend that the Secretary address the challenges that impede DHS from fully implementing the key attributes, including the following 6 items: • engaging appropriate stakeholders in federal and nonfederal entities to determine ways to develop closer working and more trusted relationships; • expeditiously hiring sufficiently trained cyber analysts and developing strategies for hiring and retaining highly qualified cyber analysts; • identifying and acquiring technological tools to strengthen cyber analytical capabilities and handling the steadily increasing workload; developing predictive analysis capabilities by defining terminology, methodologies, and indicators, and engaging appropriate stakeholders in other federal and nonfederal entities; • filling key management positions and developing strategies for hiring and retaining those officials; and • ensuring that there are distinct and transparent lines of authority and responsibility assigned to DHS organizations with cybersecurity roles and responsibilities, including the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications and the National Cybersecurity Center.
"Cybersecurity Recommendations for the Next Administration”
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Tuesday September 23 2008, 10:05 AM
Hearing on “Cybersecurity Recommendations for the Next Administration”
One in four data breaches involves schools
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Tuesday June 03 2008, 8:34 PM
By Meris Stansbury, Assistant Editor, eSchool News, "Cyber criminals are becoming bolder and more sophisticated in their operations, federal computer security experts say. And that's bad news for schools, because educational institutions reportedly account for approximately one of every four data security breaches."
LI colleges fight terror
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Thursday August 02 2007, 9:03 PM
Newsday opines, "Stony Brook University has received a $2.1 million grant from the Department of Defense to research ways to help plug this yawning gap in the security of computer systems. The grant, one of only four awarded nationally by the Pentagon in the cyber-security field, will fund a five-year project to develop solutions to help computer users prevent their systems from being corrupted or infiltrated. And Long Island University's Homeland Security Management Institute has been chosen as one of six universities across the nation to share in an annual $18 million program over the next four years to improve railroad security. "
Understanding Denial-of-Service Attacks
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Thursday August 02 2007, 12:26 PM
Cyber Security Tip ST04-015 -- In a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services. By targeting your computer and its network connection, or the computers and network of the sites you are trying to use, an attacker may be able to prevent you from accessing email, web sites, online accounts (banking, etc.), or other services that rely on the affected computer.
Using Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms Safely
Date Captured
Tuesday June 26 2007, 3:35 PM
Cyber Security Tip ST04-011 -- Authors: Mindi McDowell, Allen Householder -- Copyright 2004, Carnegie Mellon University. "Although they offer a convenient way to communicate with other people, there are dangers associated with tools that allow real-time communication."
A Vast E-Wasteland: Are Your Digital Secrets for Sale Overseas?
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Wednesday December 27 2006, 9:15 AM
Red-Orbit reports, "Computer files on these American high school students are private and revealing. Some of the students have learning disabilities. Many scored low on tests. One suffered a brain injury as a child, and another ran with gangs, according to California school records that include names, birth dates and family details. More computer files, these from an elementary school in Virginia, contain what a security expert called 'the Holy Grail' for identity thieves seeking to score: teachers' Social Security numbers, addresses and phone numbers. All of this sensitive information was discovered in an unlikely place: on discarded computers for sale in Nigeria, a cyber-crime capital of the world."
October Proclaimed Cyber Security Awareness Month in New York State
Date Captured
Monday October 09 2006, 1:50 PM
Office of Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure: "Whereas, each of us has a critical role in maintaining the security of cyberspace, and a greater awareness of computer-associated risks will improve the integrity of New York State’s information infrastructure and economy; the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center, the US Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance have designated October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and New York State joins in the observance of this worthy cause and in support of its crucial goals;"
St. Petersburg College pioneers cyber security curriculum
Date Captured
Monday June 05 2006, 9:15 AM
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