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Welcome to The Opt Out of Standardized Tests Site!
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Saturday August 04 2012, 7:05 PM
This site was created to collect and share information on state by state rules and experiences related to opting out of standardized tests. This is an open community for any parent, student, or educator interested in finding or sharing opt out information, irrespective of personal decisions regarding political party, religion, or choice of public or non public education.
Parent Right to Opt Out Lawsuit Emerges
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Saturday August 04 2012, 7:01 PM
ACLU is interested in supporting any parents whose children received a penalty/threats for opting out of testing. If you want to participate in the complaint please share the following: your story; permission to join in on the ACLU complaint; your return address; a signature on a hard copy.
ACLU: Social Networking, your privacy rights explained
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Thursday March 08 2012, 9:05 AM
The vast majority of young people living in the United States go online daily and use social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. With all this information-sharing, many questions about ownership of personal information and possible discipline for postings arise. This guide will answer some of those questions so that you can better understand the rights you have when using social networking both in and out of school.
Cloud Computing: Storm Warning for Privacy?
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Wednesday July 07 2010, 1:20 PM
[Abstract: “Cloud computing” - the ability to create, store, and manipulate data through Web-based services - is growing in popularity. Cloud computing itself may not transform society; for most consumers, it is simply an appealing alternative tool for creating and storing the same records and documents that people have created for years. However, outdated laws and varying corporate practices mean that documents created and stored in the cloud may not have the same protections as the same documents stored in a filing cabinet or on a home computer. Can cloud computing services protect the privacy of their consumers? Do they? And what can we do to improve the situation?] Ozer, Nicole and Conley, Chris, Cloud Computing: Storm Warning for Privacy? (January 29, 2010). Nicole Ozer & Chris Conley, CLOUD COMPUTING: STORM WARNING FOR PRIVACY, ACLU of Northern California, 2010.
Coalition pushes ECPA update for online privacy in cloud computing age
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Wednesday March 31 2010, 4:46 PM
[A powerful collection of organizations has formed a new coalition to push for an update to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). Members of the coalition include Google, Microsoft, AT&T, AOL, Intel, the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The guidance from the coalition would enshrine principles for “digital due process,” online privacy and data protection in the age of cloud computing within an updated ECPA.]
Digital Due Process
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Wednesday March 31 2010, 4:23 PM
[A powerful collection of organizations has formed a new coalition to push for an update to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). Members of the coalition include Google, Microsoft, AT&T, AOL, Intel, the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The guidance from the coalition would enshrine principles for “digital due process,” online privacy and data protection in the age of cloud computing within an updated ECPA.]
Fusion Centers and Intelligence Sharing
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Sunday August 09 2009, 6:25 PM
As part of the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative's (Global) efforts to develop fusion center guidelines, the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC), in support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), recommended the creation of the Fusion Center Focus Group. This focus group was tasked with recommending guidelines to aid in the development and operation of fusion centers. What Is a Fusion Center? A fusion center is an effective and efficient mechanism to exchange information and intelligence, maximize resources, streamline operations, and improve the ability to fight crime and terrorism by merging data from a variety of sources. In addition, fusion centers are a conduit for implementing portions of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan(NCISP).
Bill Introduced To Repeal Failed Real ID Act (7/31/2009) Bill Would Protect Civil Liberties And Drivers' License Security
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Sunday August 09 2009, 5:13 PM
WASHINGTON – In a welcome move today, legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives to repeal the discredited Real ID Act of 2005. The REAL ID Repeal and Identification Security Enhancement Act of 2009, introduced by Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN), would repeal Real ID and replace it with the original negotiated rulemaking process passed by Congress as part of the 9/11 Commission recommendations. Twenty-five states have already rejected Real ID, citing its high cost, invasiveness and the bureaucratic hassles it creates for citizens. The Real ID Act of 2005 directs states to issue a federally-approved driver's license or other form of ID that would be necessary for airline travel and become part of a national database. Like state governments from coast to coast, the American Civil Liberties Union has long opposed the Act as too invasive, too much red tape and too expensive.
Federal departments fall short on civil liberties
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Tuesday January 27 2009, 10:14 AM
By Peter Eisler, USA TODAY - [WASHINGTON — The departments of Defense, State, and Health and Human Services have not met legal requirements meant to protect Americans' civil liberties, and a board that's supposed to enforce the mandates has been dormant since 2007, according to federal records. All three departments have failed to comply with a 2007 law directing them to appoint civil liberties protection officers and report regularly to Congress on the safeguards they use to make sure their programs don't undermine the public's rights and privacy, a USA TODAY review of congressional filings shows.]
ACLU Briefs Key House Committee on Privacy
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Thursday December 04 2008, 4:26 PM
The ACLU offered guidance on policies such as federal watch lists, border security, and increased information sharing among law enforcement – including the use of fusion centers.
Court: Constitution Protects Stored Cell Phone Location Information (CDT Amicus Brief in the Case [PDF], July 31, 2008)
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Monday September 29 2008, 10:15 PM
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, joined by CDT, ACLU and the ACLU of Pennsylvania, had argued for the warrant requirement that the court adopted in an amicus curiae brief filed in July. September 11, 2008.
Court: Constitution Protects Stored Cell Phone Location Information (Federal Court Decision [PDF], September 10, 2008
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Monday September 29 2008, 10:05 PM
A federal court ruled September 10th that stored cell phone location information is protected by the Fourth Amendment. The court said the government needed a warrant, based on probable cause, in order to gain access to stored cell phone location information. Other courts have required probable cause for law enforcement access to real-time cell phone location information; however, this decision is particularly important because it extends the probable cause requirement to stored location information. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, joined by CDT, ACLU and the ACLU of Pennsylvania, had argued for the warrant requirement that the court adopted in an amicus curiae brief filed in July. September 11, 2008
Rhode Island School District to Begin Microchipping Students
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Tuesday June 17 2008, 4:32 PM
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has criticized the plan as an invasion of children's privacy and a potential risk to their safety.
Know your rights on recruiters
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Friday August 24 2007, 8:00 AM
Allen Gilbert, Executive director of ACLU of Vermont writes, "So-called 'student directory information,' which includes things such as name, age and extracurricular activities, can be made publicly available under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) unless parents choose to 'opt out' and withhold the disclosure of their child's information."
ACLU Urges Rhode Island Supreme Court to Review Truancy Courts
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Thursday May 03 2007, 9:32 AM
The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island today asked the state Supreme Court to review a case that raises fundamental questions about the procedures used by so-called “truancy courts” that prosecute students who are absent from school. The ACLU filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case arguing that essential due process safeguards are absent from the operation of these courts, which have become increasingly prevalent in public schools across the state. “The ACLU is very concerned about the increasing numbers of parents and children pulled into the truancy court system,” said Amy Tabor, an ACLU cooperating attorney and author of today’s brief. “Some school districts treat children as truant whenever they arrive at school a few minutes late, even though their lateness has resulted in only a few minutes of missed homeroom.”
ACLU weighs lawsuit against Palm Beach County schools over graduation rate
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Tuesday March 13 2007, 8:45 AM
Sun Sentinel reports, "If the ACLU files a lawsuit, the district could be a test case for the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, which holds school systems accountable for graduation rates. The ACLU claims the Palm Beach County graduation rate is 46.6 percent, based on figures from the nonpartisan Urban Institute, while the district uses a state calculation of 69.3 percent."
NYCLU Urges Spitzer to Implement School-Based Reform, End School Segregation
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Saturday January 06 2007, 11:04 PM
ACLU press release: "The recommendation that the state work to decrease racial inequality in the education system arises from Racial Transformation and the Changing Nature of Segregation, a recent study of racial segregation in public schools, prepared by Gary Orfield and Chungmei Lee for the Harvard Civil Rights Project, which showed that '[t]he highest levels of black segregation [are] found in New York, Illinois, California and Michigan. In these states, the average black student attended schools with less than one-quarter white students in 2003.' The NYCLU urged the governor to adopt a vigorous program to combat school segregation, including introducing effective magnet schools and adopting transfer programs that foster integration."
Missouri State, ACLU settle lawsuit over women's tennis
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Sunday September 24 2006, 9:13 AM
News Tribune reports, "Most schools meet Title IX requirements by demonstrating that the percentages of male and female athletes are substantially proportionate with the percentages of male and female students enrolled. Schools can also demonstrate a history of expanding athletic opportunities for the underrepresented sex or show that athletic programs accommodate the interests and abilities of the underrepresented sex."
ACLU, Arizona school board group challenging corporate tax credit
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Monday September 18 2006, 5:36 PM
The Business Journal of Phoenix reports, "The Arizona School Boards Association and American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona are challenging the legality of a new corporate tax credit that allows businesses to write off donations to private schools."
Local New Jersey NAACP reacts to racial school probe
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Thursday September 07 2006, 8:59 AM
Asbury Park Press reports, "The ACLU contends there was a pattern of segregation in how Lakewood refers special-education preschoolers to out-of-district schools."
Single-sex classes go public
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Thursday August 17 2006, 8:54 AM
USA Today editorial opined on gender in education, "Successful single-sex schools have everything to do with adjusting to different learning styles — and nothing to do with predators and prey. That's a lesson for educators and the ACLU."
Bad for both boys and girls
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Thursday August 17 2006, 8:47 AM
USA Today Op-Ed contributors Emily Martin, ACLU Women's Rights Project and Katie Schwartzmann. ACLU of Louisiana opined, "The most reliable evidence available shows that proven approaches to educational reform — such as smaller classes, teachers with decent salaries and parental involvement — make much more sense than separating boys and girls based on outmoded stereotypes."
Single-sex classes attacked; ACLU challenges Louisiana school’s gender-division plan
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Tuesday August 01 2006, 9:06 AM
The Advocate reports, "The U.S. Department of Education released guidelines on single-gender education in public schools that outline how to implement such a program. The department is tasked with overseeing the federal education law, which prohibits denying a student access to a program based on gender."
ACLU files lawsuit over Miami school book ban
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Wednesday June 21 2006, 5:42 PM
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